I mentioned last week I was in the middle of changing my blog, and it’s live, right here and now.
There are a few new things on the blog you’ll want to pay attention to, and I wanted to talk about them in today’s e-mail.
For starters, I’m going to go back to posting almost every day. And in fact, on some days, I’ll be posting twice a day. Once to give you some marketing or copywriting or business stuff… but if I send out a second post, in all likelihood it will be more of a “news and resource” post.
This will contain some kind of information that’s going to be either thought-provoking, interesting, or somehow relevant to most of my subscribers. It’s not necessarily going to have strategic components to it, but in many cases it will.
I’ve also got a couple of new cool features I’m going to be updating steadily:
ATTENTION, Current and prior customers & clients, ONLY:
One of these ongoing sections is going to contain loads of Offbeat Ads. These are either old ads you wouldn’t see today, or quirky ads, or simply ads that have some component of “cool and unusual” to them. I’ll let you know as I update this section – there are a couple of ads in here, to start with.
Another section will contain informational Videos I’ve made. And by the way, I’m going to resume making weekly ads answering questions readers send in, right after the new year.
I’ll send you the link so you can send in your questions, once it’s up and ready. In the meantime, again, there are a couple of videos already uploaded and you can check them out if you want, as well.
OK, that’s it for now and talk to you tomorrow 🙂
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Download my 30-Day Cash-Flow system, yours free
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listening to: Gov’t Mule – Time To Confess (2005)