Category: Persuasion

  • Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    I’m not really sure when this was written, but I recently came across a poll that measured the public’s perceived trust of certain professions. Apparently, nurses are the most trusted profession, and have been so every year this poll has ever been done (since 1999). Except for one year when firefighters took the top spot.…

  • Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    A few weeks ago, I stopped into a new local Wawa gas station to gas up my truck. Wawa is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations that’s headquartered out of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, they’ve been opening them up down here in Florida – and I must say, they…

  • How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    Today we’ll talk about a clever marketing strategy you can use, that’ll make your offer look sweeter than it is, and allow you to sell much more. Basically, it positions your goods and services as a bargain compared to others. And when you’re giving your buyers a relative frame of reference you control, YOU wind…

  • Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Tomorrow is the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, and here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting: There are two levels, Elite and Basic. Elite includes everything in the Basic Program, which comes with the following, all delivered to you in a private member site: * 7 training…

  • Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Psychological Conversion Strategies is now open. Besides all the bonuses I talked about yesterday – the Special Bonus Audio, the Conversion Strategies Checklist… and the 4 step-by-step Conversion Acceleration Videos… I’ve also: Lowered the price of Elite Program by ANOTHER $100… Plus, I’ve added in: A One on One Free USP / Lead-Getting Strategy Session…

  • Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Gosh, that’s a great subject line, isn’t it? Kind of hard to ignore something like that, isn’t it? How about this one: “If you knew the 3 proven secrets experts use to ____ , (finally getting rid of that belly, growing lush red roses, shaving at LEAST 5 strokes off your golf game, or whatever)”…

  • How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    If you’re a man, and if you are also a sharp marketer, you probably already know what I’m about to tell you. But… If you are a woman, this information may give you some insight as to why men are so simple and how foolish we are. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the final scene of “The…

  • Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    As you probably know, having some kind of scarcity attached to your offer, is one of the most compelling ways to get people to buy now. But what’s the best kind of scarcity? Is it a limited number of items? A special bonus for ordering early? Or maybe it’s a discount for the first 10…

  • Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Here’s how to use analogies to boost sales: Clients often ask me how to write analogies. After all, a good analogy can do many things: 1. It clarifies something by giving your buyer a comfortable reference point… 2. It usually injects some humanity and personality into your writing… 3. It’s a very non-threatening, non-salesy way…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Last week I was having dinner with an old client of mine – very cool guy. He has a field service business – that’s where technicians go out into the field (in this case, homeowners), and fix their problems. Field service industries include things like plumbing, pest control, HVAC, and so on. So in his…

  • How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    Here’s how good copywriting can increase perceived value: Sometimes the trick to writing copy and selling in print, is to be very direct. But other times you need to take the opposite tactic and create a little excitement and mystery. You typically do this when you want to create favorable comparisons to what you’re selling.…

  • How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    Today we’ll nail down selling product benefits, and make it nice and simple, as well. I’ve been in sales of one form or another, since 1989. And one thing that’s proven to be true, over and over again… is that no one likes to be sold anything. Yet, at the same time… nothing gets bought,…

  • [NEW VIDEO] Marketplace Positioning Secrets Virtually NO ONE Knows:

    [NEW VIDEO] Marketplace Positioning Secrets Virtually NO ONE Knows:

    I just released a new Video about Marketplace Positioning. This isn’t a topic a lot of people discuss — but it’s very important. In fact, marketplace positioning, for most people… sadly, is often nothing more than a crapshoot. And sure, once in a while, the dice wind up landing on the right numbers… but most…

  • Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Today we’re going to talk about some examples of buying motives. One of the things I do best, is… I’m typically able to help clients charge more money for their goods and services… and I’m also able to increase response rates, significantly. I’m not saying this to brag, because it’s NOT something I was born…

  • How To Sell Better Than Your Competition

    How To Sell Better Than Your Competition

    If you want to sell better than your competition, Rule #1 is to know what you’re really selling. Here, listen to this… I don’t watch a lot of TV. But when I do, it’s usually things like sports and movies, and lots of documentaries. And sometimes cooking shows – I like to watch people eat…

  • Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Tomorrow is your last day to order Psychological Conversion Strategies, and get into the membership site: The Basic Program includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free trial to my Maximum Money Club… And the Elite…

  • Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    I’ve added still MORE bonuses for the Elite level for my new product which is coming out today at noon, called Psychological Conversion Strategies. Besides the Basic Program, which includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely…

  • More Bonuses added: Psychological Conversion Strategies

    More Bonuses added: Psychological Conversion Strategies

    I’ve decided to add another bonus to the Elite level for my new product which is coming out tomorrow, called Psychological Conversion Strategies. Besides the Basic Program, which includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free…

  • Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Today, we’re going to talk about some more conversion strategies, as well as… Conversion-Killing Mistake #3: Your prospect has forgotten about you Prospects, and even existing customers and clients, are like your neighbors. If they don’t see you or hear from you on a regular basis, they’ll have absolutely no reason to think about you.…