Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

Tomorrow is the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, and here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting:

There are two levels, Elite and Basic. Elite includes everything in the Basic Program, which comes with the following, all delivered to you in a private member site:

* 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules)

* Transcripts of the Audios

* A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and…

* A free trial to my Maximum Money Club…

Elite Program includes all the above plus:

1. A 30-minute Bonus Audio designed to coordinate all the information in this program, into one smooth working plan.


2. A Conversion Strategies Checklist, which contains 222 strategies for you to implement. These strategies have to do with the following components of your marketing:

* Psychology
* Effective Communication & Copywriting
* Establishing Rapport
* Believability
* Gaining Credibility
* Involvement Devices
* Salesmanship
* Persuasion
* Presentation / Aesthetics / Layout
* Your Offer
* Ordering
* And Post Purchase Conversions…

But that’s not all…

Besides getting the Special Bonus Audio and the Conversion Strategies Checklist… you’ll also get a step-by-step Conversion Video Critiques.

On these videos I go over high-performing sales pieces, and show you, step-by-step, each one of the “tricks” deliberately being used, to make the particular call to action conversions happen.

It’ll be like you’re sitting right here with me, behind my computer screen, and I’m pointing out all the specific hooks and strategies used.

And of course, you can then go and use these exact same hooks, to increase your own conversions.

And how many of these videos will I be giving you?

Not 1… not 2… and not even 3 of them. You’ll get FOUR Video Conversion Critiques to go through — and I’ll even give you the ads to download. This way, you can print them off and make noes on them, and slip them into your own swipe files.

I’ve also made this program very affordable, when you order during this launch, Regular pricing is $597 (Elite) and $497 (Basic), but when you order during this launch, you can knock $200 bucks off both levels.

That means you get the Elite Program for just $397, and Basic for $297, and you can even make payments.

You’ll see more tomorrow!

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Don’t forget – Psychological Conversion Strategies
Comes out TOMORROW at 10AM, Eastern Time



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