Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Important Update: Read this before going any further

    Important Update: Read this before going any further

    I have no idea how you found my website. Perhaps you’re an existing subscriber just checking in to see what’s up… perhaps you read or heard about my book, “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers”… or perhaps you just stumbled over here the way we all seem to find new sites – seamlessly…

  • Finally, a reason not to hate stupid people:

    Finally, a reason not to hate stupid people:

    For years now, I have… not hated, but really struggled with, stupid people. I’m upset how they waste and steal my time that I can never get back… I’m insanely frustrated by their ignorance and ineptitude… and they generally make me want to move to deserted island, eating only what I can kill or pluck…

  • Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family

    Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family

    I’ve been reasonably absent for much of this year – at least from emailing you and the rest of my list. This is the first time that’s ever happened, but… I’ve been at this for 16 years now, and I’ve worked in over 104 different industries with more than 300 clients. It’s not like I…

  • 54% On Page Conversion Rate?  Performance Results Examples:

    54% On Page Conversion Rate? Performance Results Examples:

    I haven’t sent out many emails lately, simply because I’ve been incredibly busy. Not only with consulting and copywriting clients, but with a couple of side projects I have going on. Plus, I’ve been playing guitar as often as possible, and having a great time doing it. I’ve never really discussed this at length, but…

  • Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    I’m not really sure when this was written, but I recently came across a poll that measured the public’s perceived trust of certain professions. Apparently, nurses are the most trusted profession, and have been so every year this poll has ever been done (since 1999). Except for one year when firefighters took the top spot.…

  • Good Billboard Advertising?

    Good Billboard Advertising?

    I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today. You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted. It’s really odd what people put up on billboards. For some reason, most advertisers just seem…

  • Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me, by far: Fly To The Rainbow?

    Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me, by far: Fly To The Rainbow?

    Before I get to my “weird” story, I wanted to share a couple of other things with you… 1. Apparently, an interview I did on generating leads through building sales systems has either just been posted or maybe even reposted. If you’d like to listen to it, check it out right here 2. Funny article…

  • “It is between two wolves…”

    “It is between two wolves…”

    One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was raging inside him. He said, “My son, it is between two wolves.” “One is evil, and filled with anger, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false price, superiority and ego…” Check this out: I recently put together a lead…

  • From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    Teemu Kinnunen is one of my students – he’s in his mid-twenties and has accomplished quite a bit, professionally. I’m proud to have helped him. For more info on my consulting or coaching programs, click here. In the meanwhile, listen to what Teemu has to say: Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Free: 12…

  • Isolation.


    I have a really close friend I grew up with. We don’t talk as much as we used to, but when we do speak – which is probably 3 to 5 times a year – it’s as if the last conversation just ended yesterday. I guess that’s what happens when you know someone for 38…

  • SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship…

    SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship…

    Best dating ad ever… This is the best dating ad I’ve ever seen. Apparently, it was posted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution a while ago. SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping…

  • Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    A few weeks ago, I stopped into a new local Wawa gas station to gas up my truck. Wawa is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations that’s headquartered out of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, they’ve been opening them up down here in Florida – and I must say, they…

  • The passenger next to you never told you this, that’s for sure…

    The passenger next to you never told you this, that’s for sure…

    Airplane flights are interesting. Sometimes you can sit there and read and listen to your ipod. Other times you get stuck next to the sweaty fat guy or the crying kid. And still, other times you find yourself involved in a pretty deep, pretty intimate conversation with a complete stranger. That’s what happend to my…

  • Where are you going to be in 5 years? (ps: it doesn’t matter)

    Where are you going to be in 5 years? (ps: it doesn’t matter)

    I don’t watch loads of television. But when I do, I like to watch movies on Netflix… documentaries – mostly on animals and science… and sports. There are also a few series I really like, or liked… like Mad Men, The Following, and Dexter. However, being happily married, one of the things that comes along…

  • Happy Birthday, Sam

    Happy Birthday, Sam

    Today is my daughter Sam’s 15th birthday. Being 15 is pretty damn difficult, especially nowadays. Social media has increased peer expectations and decreased personal freedom, for kids. I have to admit, even though I’m not one to rush time away… I’ll look forward to the day when Sam’s through all the teenage angst. I wrote…

  • LIVE Training – TODAY!  This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    LIVE Training – TODAY! This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    Your own evergreen sales funnel. Many marketers and business owners talk about needing a sales funnel, but very few know how to create one that can give you the results you need. I’m talking about the kind of automated sales funnel that can constantly grow your email list and systematically sell your products and services…

  • For people to lazy to walk their dogs to go pee…

    For people to lazy to walk their dogs to go pee…

    Sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. Or maybe if I just don’t see things the same way most people do. Example: I belong to a professional trade association from an earlier career I had. Last week they sent me an advertisement by email. “Today ONLY, the discount on Dell Computers is DOUBLE.”…

  • Where has the time g-g-g-gone?

    Where has the time g-g-g-gone?

    This is basically my first (or maybe my second) email of the year. Lots of things are going on with me, and some of them will be bring changes to my business. I have a number of really cool client projects I’m working on right now, and that isn’t going to let up any time…

  • 10 Biggest, most painful lessons I learned in 2014:

    10 Biggest, most painful lessons I learned in 2014:

    First off, since we haven’t spoke in almost two weeks, I certainly hope you had a great holiday season. I spent a lot of time with my family, and got to catch up with a bunch of my friends. So, it was a peaceful and relaxing time, which is probably how the holidays should be.…

  • This is actually quite funny

    This is actually quite funny

    So the other day I’m sitting down at my wife’s computer looking at a yahoo page she has open. I like doing this every once in a while, to catch up on some pop culture gossip. I don’t really read the news or watch it on television, so occasionally I find something interesting on there.…

Got any book recommendations?