Category: Conversions

  • From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    Teemu Kinnunen is one of my students – he’s in his mid-twenties and has accomplished quite a bit, professionally. I’m proud to have helped him. For more info on my consulting or coaching programs, click here. In the meanwhile, listen to what Teemu has to say: Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Free: 12…

  • Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    A few weeks ago, I stopped into a new local Wawa gas station to gas up my truck. Wawa is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations that’s headquartered out of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, they’ve been opening them up down here in Florida – and I must say, they…

  • LIVE Training – TODAY!  This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    LIVE Training – TODAY! This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    Your own evergreen sales funnel. Many marketers and business owners talk about needing a sales funnel, but very few know how to create one that can give you the results you need. I’m talking about the kind of automated sales funnel that can constantly grow your email list and systematically sell your products and services…

  • Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Tomorrow I’m launching a program I’ve been working on for a long time – Newsletter Profits. And here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting with it: There are two levels, Publisher’s and Basic. Publisher’s includes everything in the Basic Program plus some really cool extras. Here’s the Basic Program, which is…

  • Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    It never fails – adding premiums to your offers always increases conversions, and boosts your sales. The premium you use can be: 1. Directly related to your primary offer (your primary goods ands services): For instance, a phone case with your cell phone… Or a booklet about improving heart health when you’re selling vitamins… 2.…

  • Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Tomorrow is the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, and here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting: There are two levels, Elite and Basic. Elite includes everything in the Basic Program, which comes with the following, all delivered to you in a private member site: * 7 training…

  • Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Psychological Conversion Strategies is now open. Besides all the bonuses I talked about yesterday – the Special Bonus Audio, the Conversion Strategies Checklist… and the 4 step-by-step Conversion Acceleration Videos… I’ve also: Lowered the price of Elite Program by ANOTHER $100… Plus, I’ve added in: A One on One Free USP / Lead-Getting Strategy Session…

  • Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Picking up where we left off on Saturday… people often think pricing their goods and services too high, kills conversions. And sure, when you’re selling commodity-types of products… sometimes this is true. But I’ve also been involved in selling consumer durables that normally sell for $110, and our average sale was $175… and another product…

  • Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. This is a prelude to the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, which will be available this coming Thursday at 10AM Estern Time. So, let’s get started: Mistake #1 Your Lead Generation Message Isn’t Congruent With What…

  • Announcement:


    Announcement: Well, 2 announcements, actually: 1. Starting tomorrow and through the end of the week, I will be having an Annive813rsary Blowout sale. You’ll be able to get 50% off virtually all my products listed here, under the Products tab on my website Stay tuned for details tomorrow morning. 2. Second, today is the LAST…

  • Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    As you probably know, having some kind of scarcity attached to your offer, is one of the most compelling ways to get people to buy now. But what’s the best kind of scarcity? Is it a limited number of items? A special bonus for ordering early? Or maybe it’s a discount for the first 10…

  • Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Couple quickies for this beautiful Monday morning: 1. Today’s the last day you can check out the replay of Dan Lok’s webinar from last week. The replay is right here and will be up through the end of today. If you missed it, this was a truly unique way of running your consulting business, with…

  • Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Last week I was having dinner with an old client of mine – very cool guy. He has a field service business – that’s where technicians go out into the field (in this case, homeowners), and fix their problems. Field service industries include things like plumbing, pest control, HVAC, and so on. So in his…

  • Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Here’s a cool way to create irresistible offers, and to increasing conversions. One of the reasons why places like McDonalds and Taco Bell are so successful, is because of the perceived distance between the offer they are making you… and your investment in it. So for instance, you don’t have to be a White House…

  • How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    Today we’ll nail down selling product benefits, and make it nice and simple, as well. I’ve been in sales of one form or another, since 1989. And one thing that’s proven to be true, over and over again… is that no one likes to be sold anything. Yet, at the same time… nothing gets bought,…

  • How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    Here’s a great example of how to get new customers involved in your marketing: A few weeks ago, I stopped into the Shell station to fill up my tank with gas. I think it was probably a Saturday morning after I was coming back from the gym. I usually do some cardio work on Saturdays.…

  • How to “force” repeat customers to buy from you over and over again – Interesting business and pricing model:

    How to “force” repeat customers to buy from you over and over again – Interesting business and pricing model:

    Today, an interesting take on getting repeat customers, used by a conventional bricks and mortar store. Hope your Easter was great. I spent the day with my wife and kids, watched the NBA playoffs, and sat out back and read. It’s a great time of the year to be enjoying the Florida weather. But late…

  • Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Today we’re going to talk about some examples of buying motives. One of the things I do best, is… I’m typically able to help clients charge more money for their goods and services… and I’m also able to increase response rates, significantly. I’m not saying this to brag, because it’s NOT something I was born…

  • Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    What to write when you don’t have a lot of space? I spent some time earlier this week putting together a medium-sized direct-mail postcard. And when you’re writing a piece like this, there is one particular problem you have, that ‘s common to New York City apartment-dwellers. Any idea what that problem is? Yep. You…

  • Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Tomorrow is your last day to order Psychological Conversion Strategies, and get into the membership site: The Basic Program includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free trial to my Maximum Money Club… And the Elite…