Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

Psychological Conversion Strategies is now open.

Besides all the bonuses I talked about yesterday – the Special Bonus Audio, the Conversion Strategies Checklist… and the 4 step-by-step Conversion Acceleration Videos…

I’ve also:

Lowered the price of Elite Program by ANOTHER $100…

Plus, I’ve added in:

A One on One Free USP / Lead-Getting Strategy Session with me…

An optional 50% off Certificate ($500 savings) off my most popular marketing program, Seductive Selling…

And to make things totally crazy:

I’m also adding in THREE more Conversion Acceleration Videos…

That’s SEVEN Conversion Acceleration videos, along with the actual original ads you can
download for your swipe files. And as you’ll see, there are some KILLER high-performing ads in there

Plus, another optional 50% off Certificate ($750 savings) off a one-on-one Sales Copy Review

So take advantage of all these extra bonuses and savings right now, during this re-launch period only

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Summer is the exact time you should be going through this kind of material – by the time it’s over, you’ll be in a great position to ramp things up and blow the doors out for the end of the year.

This program is an incredible deal, so check it out now



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