Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

I’ve added still MORE bonuses for the Elite level for my new product which is coming out today at noon, called Psychological Conversion Strategies.

Besides the Basic Program, which includes:

* 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules)

* Transcripts of the Audios

* A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and…

* Completely Free trial to my Maximum Money Club…

And besides the THREE Elite Program bonuses I already told you about:

1. A Special Bonus Group Q & A Call designed to coordinate all the information in this program, into one smooth working plan.


2. A Conversion Strategies Checklist, which contains 222 strategies for you to implement. These strategies have to do the following components of your sales piece:

* Psychology
* Effective Communication & Copywriting
* Establishing Rapport
* Believability
* Gaining Credibility
* Involvement Devices
* Salesmanship
* Persuasion
* Presentation / Aesthetics / Layout
* Your Offer
* Ordering
* And Post Purchase Conversions…


3. FOUR Video Conversion Marketing Critiques…

I’ve also added in:

4. A Free USP / Lead-Getting Strategy Session…

To fix any current lead generation and conversion problems you’re experiencing, that are costing you sales right now. Now candidly, that this may or may not be for you. If you’re just starting out, then don’t worry about this. However if you’ve already got a basic business sales funnel set up… or if your client transaction value is at least $1,000 or more… then this call is critical. So make sure you schedule your session immediately after you place your order


5. An optional 50% off Certificate ($500 savings) off my flagship marketing program, Seductive Selling

This is the only program out there, that explains emotional selling, and includes literally HUNDREDS of sales copy examples for you to use. It makes you an expert in pushing your customer’s emotional buy-buttons, and gets them to say “YES,” with far less resistance than you’re currently having to deal with


6. I’m also adding in THREE more Video Conversion Marketing Critiques

So that’s SEVEN Conversion Strategies videos for you to learn from, along with the actual original ads you can download for your swipe files. And there are some KILLER high-performing ads in there


7. An optional 50% off Certificate ($750 savings) off a one-on-one Sales Copy Review

IMPORTANT: The Group Conversion Strategies Phone Call and the $200 Program Discount will NOT be available after this launch.

Doors open TODAY at 12 noon, Eastern time

See you then.

Comments? Leave ’em below

Now go sell something, Craig Garber



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