Category: Positioning

  • Penalty of Leadership?

    Penalty of Leadership?

    You may be familiar with this ad, but maybe not. It was ran by Cadillac in the Saturday Evening Post, on January 20, 1915, almost a century ago. At first blush, as an ad to sell cars, it seems pretty useless. However, read it slowly, and pay close attention to what it’s saying. Sure, some…

  • Instant “Unique Selling Proposition” – Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown:

    Instant “Unique Selling Proposition” – Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown:

    Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown: I absolutely hate going to the dentist. I hate it the same way most people hate going down to the Department of Motor Vehicles. It’s the kind of transaction that simply feels like a complete waste of time. Kind of like paying for homeowners insurance – you…

  • 3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    The other night I had the opportunity to speak in front of a group of business owners, about a variety of things involving marketing, selling, and closing. Which, in reality, are the three most important “touch points” of customer or client flow, in your business. One of the issues that came up, is when you’re…

  • [NEW VIDEO] Marketplace Positioning Secrets Virtually NO ONE Knows:

    [NEW VIDEO] Marketplace Positioning Secrets Virtually NO ONE Knows:

    I just released a new Video about Marketplace Positioning. This isn’t a topic a lot of people discuss — but it’s very important. In fact, marketplace positioning, for most people… sadly, is often nothing more than a crapshoot. And sure, once in a while, the dice wind up landing on the right numbers… but most…

  • How to “force” repeat customers to buy from you over and over again – Interesting business and pricing model:

    How to “force” repeat customers to buy from you over and over again – Interesting business and pricing model:

    Today, an interesting take on getting repeat customers, used by a conventional bricks and mortar store. Hope your Easter was great. I spent the day with my wife and kids, watched the NBA playoffs, and sat out back and read. It’s a great time of the year to be enjoying the Florida weather. But late…

  • 3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    Here’s a really simple way you can successfully roll out a new product or re-launch an old one. As David Ogilvy once said, “The heart of an advertisement is a great big promise.” And for most of us, that promise is ultimately delivered in the offer you make. So today we’re going to talk about…

  • Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    I’ve added still MORE bonuses for the Elite level for my new product which is coming out today at noon, called Psychological Conversion Strategies. Besides the Basic Program, which includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely…

  • How to sell to women:

    How to sell to women:

    Here’s how to sell to women, and what women know that you don’t: Last week, I happened to pick up a copy of a magazine called ShopSmart. Apparently, it’s a sister publication to Consumer Reports, only it’s geared towards women. Like Consumer Reports, it provides independent reviews about products and it doesn’t accept advertisements or…

  • Marketplace Positioning & How to do it even when it makes you uncomfortable:

    Marketplace Positioning & How to do it even when it makes you uncomfortable:

    Friday, we talked a little bit about Market Positioning, and how some people are reluctant to position themselves where they need to be. If you missed the post, you can read it here You know, positioning is much more than “boasting” and in fact, boasting and bragging, isn’t positioning, at all. However, what do you…

  • Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve played “tooth fairly,” but I loved when my kids were little and they lost a tooth. Besides looking really cute, they’d put the tooth under their pillow… knowing full well, when they woke up in the morining… the tooth fairy would have paid them a visit overnight, taking…

  • Live Q & A Video – Top 5 Ways To Position Your Business:

    Live Q & A Video – Top 5 Ways To Position Your Business:

    This week’s Q & A Video is now posted up here: Some of the questions answered include: What are the Top 5 Ways To Position Your Business… What to do when you don’t have a lot of case studies to show… How to handle leads from CraigsList… and more Make sure you send in your…

  • Copywriting Tips: 5 Steps To Create A Marketing Campaign (and a RARE David Ogilvy video to watch)

    Copywriting Tips: 5 Steps To Create A Marketing Campaign (and a RARE David Ogilvy video to watch)

    (Make sure you read through this because at the end, I’m going to point you to a rare, old marketing video that’s absolutely brilliant.) Here’s a really smart formula you can use to create virtually any marketing campaign. If you follow it, and do the basics here… it’ll help you gather up all the information…

  • Selling Strategies: How to show your buyers an advantage…

    Selling Strategies: How to show your buyers an advantage…

    Today, Part 2 in this series: I was very fortunate, early in my career, to read a book that’s often overlooked with respect to selling in print, or writing copy. It’s called “How To Write A Good Advertisement,” by Victor O. Schwab. Schwab was mentored by the great Maxwell Sackheim, and ultimately… he wound up…

  • How To Write A Good Business Introduction Letter (And… How Not To!)

    How To Write A Good Business Introduction Letter (And… How Not To!)

    WORST letter I ever wrote: I was going through some old files the other day, and I found what has to be… the absolute WORST letter I ever wrote. It’s a letter I sent out to people back in 2000, when I first started writing sales copy. I was trying to get local clients, and…

  • How to get more business from existing clients

    How to get more business from existing clients

    It’s a LOT easier to get more business from existing clients, than it is to get new business from new clients. And that’s because the toughest sale is your first one. After your first sale, things like credibility, believability, and trust — typically the three biggest hurdles you need to overcome to convert someone into…

  • Marketplace Positioning: How to create your own unique differential

    Marketplace Positioning: How to create your own unique differential

    First, some administrative things: Sorry my updates haven’t been very frequent.  if you’ve been with me for a while, then you know his is actually quite unusual for me. The truth is, I’m just VERY busy.  I have a few copywriting projects I’m working on… a couple of nice outside new business projects… and believe…

  • Great Marketing: And she kept smiling the whole time

    Great Marketing: And she kept smiling the whole time

    Wednesday, I got to experience something I haven’t been privy to, in a while. Here’s what happened: I went to the mall with Anne and we wound up in Nordstrom. Bought a nice shirt, grabbed a few things for Anne, and then we decided to go upstairs and have lunch at the restaurant right there…

  • Fifty Shades Of Gray: This message is Rated R

    Fifty Shades Of Gray: This message is Rated R

    You know, there’s something really popular going on out there, and there are LOADS of opportunities to take advantage of it, from a marketing standpoint. But because it’s a little risqué… very few people are taking advantage of the leverage it can give them. *********** ATTENTION: Current and prior customers ONLY *********** No, I’m not…

  • How to charge high prices: 3 Ways to charge more by showing you're offering "high quality"

    if you want to sell high-priced items, then you have to show “high quality.” and that’s because price is only a problem in the absence of value.  meaning, people don’t have a problem spending a lot of money on something, as long as they see the value in it so here are three things you…

  • Unique Selling Proposition – GREAT example of Unique market positioning: (Odd product)

    This is a somewhat lengthy message, but the lesson it it, is VERY cool.  And it’s one you can probably use in your own business. Yesterday afternoon, I got an e-mail from Doug of The message showed you a great example of how to create a Unique Selling Proposition.  Here’s a somewhat edited version…