Great Marketing: And she kept smiling the whole time

Wednesday, I got to experience something I haven’t been privy to, in a while.

Here’s what happened:

I went to the mall with Anne and we wound up in Nordstrom.

Bought a nice shirt, grabbed a few things for Anne, and then we decided to go upstairs and have lunch at the restaurant right there in the store.

Eating in a department store isn’t something we typically do (Although we once at in Forty Carrots in Bloomingdales in New York City, and it was great!), but… Anne heard a few good things about this place, from a friend of hers, so we figured we’d give it a shot.

ATTENTION: Current and prior customers ONLY


We ordered a Pear Salad and a Turkey Sandwich, and planned on splitting both dishes.

Now I’m no foodie, but that Turkey on whole grain bread was to die for!

But to be honest, the salad just wasn’t for me.

The dressing on there was SO sweet, it tasted more like lemonade with veggies and pears in it, than salad with dressing.

Turns out, the sandwich was more than enough for us, and since Anne has more of a sweet tooth than I do, we just figured we’d bring the salad home, and Anne would nibble on it later that evening.

I asked our waitress if she could box the salad up, but since she’d seen me starting to have a go at the salad, and now saw it pretty much undisturbed and sitting off to the side… before she picked it up to take it away, she asked me if something was wrong.

I explained that the dressing was just too sweet for me, but that someone would eat it at home, later on.

But this young lady would have no part of this.

Without hesitating for a second, she said, “Look, let me bring you out another one.  We have loads of different dressings, so pick one you you think you might like, and I’ll put your dressing on the side… and you can sit and enjoy your salad.”

To say I was stunned by her reaction, is an understatement.

It was so unusual to experience good customer service, in a world that seems FILLED with absolutely AWFUL customer service, as the standard.

In fact, I’d say, mediocrity is the new excellent when it comes to customer service.

She brought me out a new salad, almost immediately, and I proceeded to eat and enjoy… the entire thing.

In fact, I actually wound up eating it with no dressing, because the vegetables, pears, and pecans, was so fresh and tasty, it didn’t need any.

That was such a pleasant surprise, it made my afternoon.

And, of course, I was thrilled to leave her a great tip, as well.

So what about you?

Have you experienced any particularly good — or bad, customer service lately?

If so, let me know about it below.

And either way… enjoy your weekend.  I know I’ll be enjoying mine  🙂

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  Discover how to make YOUR buyers smile… right from the start

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