Shouldn’t this be against the law?

Gosh, that’s a great subject line, isn’t it?

Kind of hard to ignore something like that, isn’t it?

How about this one: “If you knew the 3 proven secrets experts use to ____ , (finally getting rid of that belly, growing lush red roses, shaving at LEAST 5 strokes off your golf game, or whatever)” that’d get your attention too, right?

You bet.

And what about this one: “If You Read Nothing Else About ___ (lowering your blood pressure, getting your hands on luxury automobiles at BELOW dealer wholesale prices, getting your hands on investor cash), Read This!”

Pretty compelling, isn’t it?


And here’s why: each one of these headlines, subject lines, article titles – whatever you want to use them as – pushes one of the strongest emotional buy-buttons you can push — curiosity.

There’s an inherent and almost overpowering desire to resolve and satisfy any curiosity that crosses your path – sometimes, even at all costs.

If you can make your buyers curious, then you’re on the right path to consistently selling them what they WANT.

So keep this in mind before you sit down and write your next promotion.

And speaking of curiosity, this month marks the 100th Issue of Seductive Selling – my offline newsletter. It’s a Special Issue – a confessional, if you will, about “The 3 Biggest Mistakes I’ve Made In Business,” over the last 15 years.

If you want to know what these 3 Mistakes are, try Seductive Selling for free, right now.

You get it when you join the Maximum Money Club (also a free trial), and you can do this right here.

Let me know what you think after you read it. The newsletter ships out this weekend (19th of every month)

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Free: 12 Special Marketing Reports – download ’em here

get How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers:

Now on sale, with Free Shipping

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listening to:
Eyes Behind The Wall – Orchid (2011)



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