Category: Copywriting Tips

  • Finally, a reason not to hate stupid people:

    Finally, a reason not to hate stupid people:

    For years now, I have… not hated, but really struggled with, stupid people. I’m upset how they waste and steal my time that I can never get back… I’m insanely frustrated by their ignorance and ineptitude… and they generally make me want to move to deserted island, eating only what I can kill or pluck…

  • 54% On Page Conversion Rate?  Performance Results Examples:

    54% On Page Conversion Rate? Performance Results Examples:

    I haven’t sent out many emails lately, simply because I’ve been incredibly busy. Not only with consulting and copywriting clients, but with a couple of side projects I have going on. Plus, I’ve been playing guitar as often as possible, and having a great time doing it. I’ve never really discussed this at length, but…

  • Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    I’m not really sure when this was written, but I recently came across a poll that measured the public’s perceived trust of certain professions. Apparently, nurses are the most trusted profession, and have been so every year this poll has ever been done (since 1999). Except for one year when firefighters took the top spot.…

  • Good Billboard Advertising?

    Good Billboard Advertising?

    I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today. You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted. It’s really odd what people put up on billboards. For some reason, most advertisers just seem…

  • Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    A few weeks ago, I stopped into a new local Wawa gas station to gas up my truck. Wawa is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations that’s headquartered out of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, they’ve been opening them up down here in Florida – and I must say, they…

  • Copywriting tip: When to shut up, and when not to:

    Copywriting tip: When to shut up, and when not to:

    Last week, I was going through a 7-Step Sales Copy Overhaul with a client of mine. A lot of his issues revolved around a specific problem he was having. And that was, actually “describing” what he was selling. Frankly, he was selling himself short, by cutting his descriptions short. And he did this because he…

  • Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Cool copywriting tip today: I’ll never forget a conversation I had with one of my kids, a few years back. I was talking to my younger son Casey before his swim meet. School had just started and I asked if there was anything in particular he liked about school this year. He said he likes…

  • Copywriting tip – How to get anyone to believe… anything:

    Copywriting tip – How to get anyone to believe… anything:

    If you read the first chapter of my book, then you heard some of my stories about growing up in New York City in the 1970’s. So you know, there sure wasn’t any shortage of drama. You had the Son Of Sam serial killer, David Berkowitz (who used to live in the same apartment housing…

  • Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    There are really only three things to keep in mind, when writing headlines: 1. Try and arouse curiosity But this is pretty much a cardinal rule of initiating all kinds of conversations, isn’t it? It’s why asking a woman what her favorite drink is… works a lot better than asking her if she’s a democrat…

  • Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    It never fails – adding premiums to your offers always increases conversions, and boosts your sales. The premium you use can be: 1. Directly related to your primary offer (your primary goods ands services): For instance, a phone case with your cell phone… Or a booklet about improving heart health when you’re selling vitamins… 2.…

  • Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Writing bad, or muddles sales copy, is rarely the only marketing problem you’re going to have. Good sales copy alone, won’t typically be the only thing that saves you. More often than not, equal (or more) blame falls on your entire marketing process (or lack of one). Hand and hand with this, is the way…

  • Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Gosh, that’s a great subject line, isn’t it? Kind of hard to ignore something like that, isn’t it? How about this one: “If you knew the 3 proven secrets experts use to ____ , (finally getting rid of that belly, growing lush red roses, shaving at LEAST 5 strokes off your golf game, or whatever)”…

  • New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    Hope you had a great weekend. I was recently interviewed by John McIntyre, the Auto Responder Guy, on his well-known e-mail marketing podcast. The interview is now available and you can listen to it right here Feel free to leave any comments underneath today’s post below. Have a great week. Now go sell something, Craig…

  • Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Here’s how to use analogies to boost sales: Clients often ask me how to write analogies. After all, a good analogy can do many things: 1. It clarifies something by giving your buyer a comfortable reference point… 2. It usually injects some humanity and personality into your writing… 3. It’s a very non-threatening, non-salesy way…

  • How I increased net cash flow by over 300% on one of my sales funnels:

    How I increased net cash flow by over 300% on one of my sales funnels:

    Here’s the deal: Last month we started our 9th year of publishing Seductive Selling, which is my monthly offline newsletter read in over 15 countries, world-wide. Here’s this month’s issue, where I reveal how I increased my net cash flow by over 300% on one of my funnels: Let me share a little bit of…

  • How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    Here’s how good copywriting can increase perceived value: Sometimes the trick to writing copy and selling in print, is to be very direct. But other times you need to take the opposite tactic and create a little excitement and mystery. You typically do this when you want to create favorable comparisons to what you’re selling.…

  • How to make compelling offers:

    How to make compelling offers:

    First, a shout out to my son Nick, who just had a beautiful baby girl last night. Everyone’s healthy and we’re all grateful for that. Quick post today – I’m pretty buried with projects right now, and between them and my family commitments, I’m slammed here. Just to let you know, yesterday’s monthly Maximum Money…

  • How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    Today we’ll nail down selling product benefits, and make it nice and simple, as well. I’ve been in sales of one form or another, since 1989. And one thing that’s proven to be true, over and over again… is that no one likes to be sold anything. Yet, at the same time… nothing gets bought,…

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Quick one today… just to let you know… This Thursday is the open monthly Q&A call for my Maximum Money Club members. Why not hop on the call with us? Get on the call and ask me any questions related to your marketing, at no cost. Just take the free trial here – the trial…

  • How To Sell Better Than Your Competition

    How To Sell Better Than Your Competition

    If you want to sell better than your competition, Rule #1 is to know what you’re really selling. Here, listen to this… I don’t watch a lot of TV. But when I do, it’s usually things like sports and movies, and lots of documentaries. And sometimes cooking shows – I like to watch people eat…