Category: Copywriting Tips

  • Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    What to write when you don’t have a lot of space? I spent some time earlier this week putting together a medium-sized direct-mail postcard. And when you’re writing a piece like this, there is one particular problem you have, that ‘s common to New York City apartment-dwellers. Any idea what that problem is? Yep. You…

  • How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    The other day, we talked about writing headlines and “when” is the best time to write them. Another question I get asked a lot, is “How many headlines should you write?” And frankly, I’m not sure this question is any more answerable than “How many kids should you have?” or “How many shots of tequila…

  • Best time to start writing your sales letter headlines?

    Best time to start writing your sales letter headlines?

    Before we get started, let me just warn you: Psychological Conversion Strategies will no longer be available after Wednesday. You have two more days to order, and take advantage of all the bonuses: phone call, Conversion Strategy Checklists, Video Conversion Accelerator Critiques… and more ** I often get asked about the timing of the construction…

  • How To Start A Sales Letter

    How To Start A Sales Letter

    Today we’ll talk about a How To Start A Sales Letter But first, a quick announcement to let you know my book, How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers, is now available on the iTunes Store, and you can get it here Now check this out. “You probably know, John Lennon was murdered by…

  • 3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    Here’s how to destroy your credibility: About a week ago, I was looking through a sales letter online. It was someone selling “How To” information. The guy who wrote the letter took a very strong position about how he wasn’t like everyone else. In fact, this was his entire platform as far as his differential…

  • Copywriting tips: You don’t have to be Jewish, to love Levy’s, do you?

    Copywriting tips: You don’t have to be Jewish, to love Levy’s, do you?

    Copywriting tips. they were all over the place. Plastered across the walls on subway stations all over Manhattan and The Bronx. Inside the trains themselves. Smiling American Indian men, smiling at you from behind the glass inside bus stops. Little Asian boys looking down at you while riding the #6 train to school. These posters…

  • 2 Conversion strategies I thought you should know:

    2 Conversion strategies I thought you should know:

    Conversion Strategy #1: $25,771.25 This is absolutely amazing, if you ask me. I mean, read this number out loud, slowly. “Twenty-five thousand, seven-hundred, seventy-one dollars, and twenty-five cents.” And no, that doesn’t represent the amount of money I made by sending out an e-mail while sitting here in my underwear, or on the throne. This…

  • Top 5 Sales objections you want to overcome:

    Top 5 Sales objections you want to overcome:

    Denial, definition: Medicine for the weak For the denyer, it offers both sweet pleasure and relief – in not having to deal with something stressful or annoying. And at the same time, it brings inherent stress, because denial itself, keeps loops open. And “open loops” are, of course, the primary cause of stress. The problem…

  • Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve played “tooth fairly,” but I loved when my kids were little and they lost a tooth. Besides looking really cute, they’d put the tooth under their pillow… knowing full well, when they woke up in the morining… the tooth fairy would have paid them a visit overnight, taking…

  • New Special Report now posted online: 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    New Special Report now posted online: 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    Well I hope your weekend went well. Mine was great. I worked Saturday and spent yesterday with my wife, relaxing. We went out to a local market… got to catch up on some reading and enjoy the sunshine out back… and of course, watched the NFL Playoffs. I’m so relaxed, getting back to work is…

  • $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    Today’s the last day to get my $5,000 Ad Writing Workshop on sale for only $997. Here are the Top Ten Reasons why you should take advantage of this sale, save the $4 Grand, and start profiting from this program, immediately. 10. I revealed the 15 most important secrets Gary Halbert taught me, when I…

  • Copywriting Tips: Headline Writing Secrets

    Copywriting Tips: Headline Writing Secrets

    The one headline secret you don’t want to miss: One of the best things you can do to increase your ability to connect with your buyers, is to use some kind of “double-bonding” in your headlines. When you do this correctly, you turn a decent headline, into something very compelling. Let me give you a…

  • How to sell free giveaways – the biggest sale you usually miss:

    How to sell free giveaways – the biggest sale you usually miss:

    There’s one particular sale people often don’t work hard enough at making. And that’s when you’re trying to give something away for free, that’s going to lead to a sale. Like a Free Report or a Webinar, for example. Or a free product giveaway that leads to an upsell of a more complete product. For…

  • Advertising tip: 3 Ways To Generate New Leads:

    Advertising tip: 3 Ways To Generate New Leads:

    Hey, before we get started today, check out this unusual new commercial I saw the other day — it’s very clever: That was pretty cool, wasn’t it? You bet. And so is the strategy we’re about to discuss, because if you use it correctly, it’ll make you a tidy little bundle of cash. So let’s…

  • New Offbeat Ads just posted, plus pre-video launch Q & A

    New Offbeat Ads just posted, plus pre-video launch Q & A

    Quickie today: I just posted up a dozen new Offbeat Ads, and many of them are very interesting — including the infamous Pet Monkey ad, and the scandalous Nembutal ad — so check ’em out. Also, I’m getting ready to post up another Q & A video soon, so if you have any questions you…

  • Copywriting Tips: 2 Ways to bond with your customers and clients: Which one of them works best for you?

    Copywriting Tips: 2 Ways to bond with your customers and clients: Which one of them works best for you?

    I haven’t forgotten about you — just incredibly busy here. But let’s see what we can come up with today, before we sail into the weekend. There are two ways you can bond with your buyers: by Category, or by Likeness. Here’s the difference. When you bond with someone based on Category, you’re looking at…

  • How To Start A Conversation With Your Buyers: Opening up a sales letter

    How To Start A Conversation With Your Buyers: Opening up a sales letter

    Hey, before we get into today’s tip, I just want to catch up on something we talked about last week. We talked about what an abysmal job LA Fitness was doing, at generating leads: You can click on this ad to see the original post: Anyway, clearly… no one at LA Fitness is reading this…

  • Readability statistics and how to use them to sell more

    Readability statistics and how to use them to sell more

    I’m not a particularly big fan of Microsoft Word. It’s quirky on Mac, at best… and if you’re using any kind of graphics at all — good luck. It’s the only software I know where you can stick a jpg file on the bottom of page 1, and then try and move it over an…

  • New Q & A Live Video:  How To Make Good Offers To Your Buyers

    New Q & A Live Video: How To Make Good Offers To Your Buyers

    In today’s Video: How many choices to offer your buyers… How to get started and stop “waiting” for something to happen, and… What to say to your prospects, to get them to become customers  (and… what NOT to say!) Send your questions in here, for next time. Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. ON…

  • Copywriting tip: How (and why) you need to sell

    Copywriting tip: How (and why) you need to sell

    Hope your weekend went well. I took some much-needed time off and got to relax — I sure hope you got to do the same thing. Before we get into today’s tip… you should know i’ll be running a Labor Day sale starting this afternoon at 3:30 pm, and running through the weekend. Almost everything…