Category: Closing Strategies

  • Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Picking up where we left off on Saturday… people often think pricing their goods and services too high, kills conversions. And sure, when you’re selling commodity-types of products… sometimes this is true. But I’ve also been involved in selling consumer durables that normally sell for $110, and our average sale was $175… and another product…

  • Psychological Conversion Strategies

    Psychological Conversion Strategies

    What is Psychological Conversion Strategies? A lot of people have been sending in questions, wanting to know more about this program which is being released to my online e-mail list only, this Thursday at noon. I’ll give you more information between now and then, but for starters, here’s what’s in the Basic Program. You’ll get:…

  • Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Continuing from yesterday… here’s another Conversion-Killing Mistake people often make – pricing things too high. But I’ve got news for you: For the most part,the truth is… things being “too expensive” is a myth. And that’s because people buy what they WANT to buy, regardless of price. And especially here in America — even regardless…

  • Lead Generation Case Study:  L.A. Fitness – Epic FAIL!

    Lead Generation Case Study: L.A. Fitness – Epic FAIL!

    The other day I was walking out of the gym, when I saw a scruffy looking white board punched up with scribbles, that caught my eye. What was jotted down on this whiteboard, was nothing shy of astounding. Here it is: Before we go through this, let’s think this through here… A successful marketing campaign…

  • Upselling Techniques

    Upselling Techniques

    Yesterday we talked about how to get more business from existing clients. Today, we’re going to talk about another “smart money” move — upselling techniques. “An upsell” is basically when you increase the value of any given transaction by offering additional items for sale. So for example, the most common upsell you’re familiar with, is…

  • Closing techniques: "YEs," Apparently so?

    The other day, I sent out an e-mail, and we literally had HUNDREDS of “Yes” responses – FAR more than ever before. Here was the e-mail, in case you missed it. I’m working on this program now, and it will be released in January. But what I want to do next, is figure out how…

  • How to write a sales letter: 3 Costly mistakes when asking for the order

    Update: it’s interesting that digital sales of my book are now almost as high as actual hard copies on amazon.  I am astounded how many people read digitally.  (And hey, 41, 5-star ratings doesn’t hurt, either!) *** There’s a ton of reasons why people won’t buy.  But there are a few specific mistakes I’m constantly…

  • e-mail marketing tips: A simple way to reduce risk that has nothing to do with guaranteeing ANYthing

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you know one of the most important things you can do to eliminate any risk associated with your purchase, is to offer very solid, very believable, completely unconditional guarantees. After all, if someone’s unsure of you, or your ability to deliver and make good on your promises…