Category: Increase Net Profits

  • 54% On Page Conversion Rate?  Performance Results Examples:

    54% On Page Conversion Rate? Performance Results Examples:

    I haven’t sent out many emails lately, simply because I’ve been incredibly busy. Not only with consulting and copywriting clients, but with a couple of side projects I have going on. Plus, I’ve been playing guitar as often as possible, and having a great time doing it. I’ve never really discussed this at length, but…

  • Good Billboard Advertising?

    Good Billboard Advertising?

    I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today. You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted. It’s really odd what people put up on billboards. For some reason, most advertisers just seem…

  • From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    Teemu Kinnunen is one of my students – he’s in his mid-twenties and has accomplished quite a bit, professionally. I’m proud to have helped him. For more info on my consulting or coaching programs, click here. In the meanwhile, listen to what Teemu has to say: Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Free: 12…

  • Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    Snappy upsells that REALLY work:

    A few weeks ago, I stopped into a new local Wawa gas station to gas up my truck. Wawa is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations that’s headquartered out of Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Over the last few years, they’ve been opening them up down here in Florida – and I must say, they…

  • Copywriting tip: When to shut up, and when not to:

    Copywriting tip: When to shut up, and when not to:

    Last week, I was going through a 7-Step Sales Copy Overhaul with a client of mine. A lot of his issues revolved around a specific problem he was having. And that was, actually “describing” what he was selling. Frankly, he was selling himself short, by cutting his descriptions short. And he did this because he…

  • Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Picking up where we left off on Saturday… people often think pricing their goods and services too high, kills conversions. And sure, when you’re selling commodity-types of products… sometimes this is true. But I’ve also been involved in selling consumer durables that normally sell for $110, and our average sale was $175… and another product…

  • Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Couple quickies for this beautiful Monday morning: 1. Today’s the last day you can check out the replay of Dan Lok’s webinar from last week. The replay is right here and will be up through the end of today. If you missed it, this was a truly unique way of running your consulting business, with…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • 3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    Here’s a really simple way you can successfully roll out a new product or re-launch an old one. As David Ogilvy once said, “The heart of an advertisement is a great big promise.” And for most of us, that promise is ultimately delivered in the offer you make. So today we’re going to talk about…

  • Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Tomorrow is your last day to order Psychological Conversion Strategies, and get into the membership site: The Basic Program includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free trial to my Maximum Money Club… And the Elite…

  • Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Continuing from yesterday… here’s another Conversion-Killing Mistake people often make – pricing things too high. But I’ve got news for you: For the most part,the truth is… things being “too expensive” is a myth. And that’s because people buy what they WANT to buy, regardless of price. And especially here in America — even regardless…

  • Best Resource I can recommend: Dropbox

    Best Resource I can recommend: Dropbox

    I don’t recommend too many tools, because most of them are over-hyped. However, I’d like to recommend a free tool I’ve been using that’s been incredibly helpful. It’s very popular and I’m sure you’ve heard of it – it’s called Dropbox. What makes Dropbox so cool… is it syncs files between all your computers, AND…

  • Back-end sales and how to profit from them:

    Back-end sales and how to profit from them:

    Let’s talk about why the back-end of your business, is generally the most profitable part of it. Long one today, but bear with me. You might learn something 🙂 Let’s talk about getting “back-end” sales and why they’re so important. We’re going to talk about 3 things: 1. What is a “back-end” sale? 2. Examples of…

  • Top 5 Sales objections you want to overcome:

    Top 5 Sales objections you want to overcome:

    Denial, definition: Medicine for the weak For the denyer, it offers both sweet pleasure and relief – in not having to deal with something stressful or annoying. And at the same time, it brings inherent stress, because denial itself, keeps loops open. And “open loops” are, of course, the primary cause of stress. The problem…

  • 5 Tips To Boosting Your Direct Mail Response

    5 Tips To Boosting Your Direct Mail Response

    I hope your Thanksgiving was great. Personally, I had a nice, quiet and not “too dysfunctional” day, relaxing with my wife and kids. Watched some football abd relaxed out back, looking at the lake — the weather was beautiful down here in Tampa. I was, however, completely overwhelmed with the constant onslaught of retail holiday…

  • The RIGHT Way To Use Guarantees To Increase Sales: New Q & A free video posted – LOADS of new material on there

    The RIGHT Way To Use Guarantees To Increase Sales: New Q & A free video posted – LOADS of new material on there

    It took a while because of some new issues with the latest new version of iMovie, but finally — this week’s Q&A video is out. On the video, we talk about: Guarantees as unique selling propositions… when to use them and when NOT to… how to avoid having to charge less money… the new postal…

  • How to increase sales without spending one thin dime on advertising:

    How to increase sales without spending one thin dime on advertising:

    Hey, before we get started… don’t forget to send in some questions for the next Q & A video that’ll be posted later on this week. O.K., so here’s a simple strategy to use, that will increase your sales. It comes straight out of my book, from Chapter 12, and it has to do with…

  • How to get more business from your existing customers:

    How to get more business from your existing customers:

    Tomorrow I’ll be posting this week’s Q & A Video. Send your questions to me here, and check out prior episodes here Today I want to share a good idea with you, that’s easy to implement. But first, tell me if this sounds familiar: I own life insurance with two different companies — never once,…

  • Live Q & A Video Just Posted: How to filter out lists to get good quality leads, and more…

    Live Q & A Video Just Posted: How to filter out lists to get good quality leads, and more…

    Today’s DAY 3 of the 50% Off Labor Day Sale — for more info check out yesterday’s blog post. Also, this weeks’s Q & A video has now been posted below: On today’s video, we’ll cover: 1. Advantages to writing a book… 2. How to filter out lists to get good quality leads… 3. And…

  • Copywriting Tips: How To Write Winning Headlines (In 2 Steps)

    Copywriting Tips: How To Write Winning Headlines (In 2 Steps)

    Cool copywriting tip today.  But before we get started, I just want you to know I posted 10 new Offbeat Ads on my blog. They’re amusing, and definitely offbeat, so check them out here. Today let’s talk a little bit about headlines. In my book, I explain how the perfect formula to writing effective headlines,…