Category: Creating Irresistible Offers

  • Good Billboard Advertising?

    Good Billboard Advertising?

    I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today. You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted. It’s really odd what people put up on billboards. For some reason, most advertisers just seem…

  • Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Cool copywriting tip today: I’ll never forget a conversation I had with one of my kids, a few years back. I was talking to my younger son Casey before his swim meet. School had just started and I asked if there was anything in particular he liked about school this year. He said he likes…

  • Direct Marketing 101: Who’s really reading the Bible?

    Direct Marketing 101: Who’s really reading the Bible?

    Here are some conflicting statistics that show you the big difference between what people want, and what people SAY they want: 30% of Americans say they’d rather read a book than do anything else (that’s 3 in 10)… 21% say watching TV is their favorite activity (that’s 1 in 5 or 2 in 10)… And…

  • Instant “Unique Selling Proposition” – Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown:

    Instant “Unique Selling Proposition” – Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown:

    Better the devil known, than the dentist unknown: I absolutely hate going to the dentist. I hate it the same way most people hate going down to the Department of Motor Vehicles. It’s the kind of transaction that simply feels like a complete waste of time. Kind of like paying for homeowners insurance – you…

  • Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    There are really only three things to keep in mind, when writing headlines: 1. Try and arouse curiosity But this is pretty much a cardinal rule of initiating all kinds of conversations, isn’t it? It’s why asking a woman what her favorite drink is… works a lot better than asking her if she’s a democrat…

  • Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    It never fails – adding premiums to your offers always increases conversions, and boosts your sales. The premium you use can be: 1. Directly related to your primary offer (your primary goods ands services): For instance, a phone case with your cell phone… Or a booklet about improving heart health when you’re selling vitamins… 2.…

  • How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    Today we’ll talk about a clever marketing strategy you can use, that’ll make your offer look sweeter than it is, and allow you to sell much more. Basically, it positions your goods and services as a bargain compared to others. And when you’re giving your buyers a relative frame of reference you control, YOU wind…

  • Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. This is a prelude to the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, which will be available this coming Thursday at 10AM Estern Time. So, let’s get started: Mistake #1 Your Lead Generation Message Isn’t Congruent With What…

  • 50% Off Anniversary Sale Starts Now:

    50% Off Anniversary Sale Starts Now:

    Until midnight, this Saturday, we are running a HALF OFF Sale. Although it’s the 4th of July weekend, the sale is really to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary – something that’s really and truly worth celebrating. To get 50% off, enter 20YRS where it says “Special Code,” on the top, right-hand side of your shopping…

  • Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    As you probably know, having some kind of scarcity attached to your offer, is one of the most compelling ways to get people to buy now. But what’s the best kind of scarcity? Is it a limited number of items? A special bonus for ordering early? Or maybe it’s a discount for the first 10…

  • How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    Here’s how good copywriting can increase perceived value: Sometimes the trick to writing copy and selling in print, is to be very direct. But other times you need to take the opposite tactic and create a little excitement and mystery. You typically do this when you want to create favorable comparisons to what you’re selling.…

  • Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Here’s a cool way to create irresistible offers, and to increasing conversions. One of the reasons why places like McDonalds and Taco Bell are so successful, is because of the perceived distance between the offer they are making you… and your investment in it. So for instance, you don’t have to be a White House…

  • 3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    Here’s a really simple way you can successfully roll out a new product or re-launch an old one. As David Ogilvy once said, “The heart of an advertisement is a great big promise.” And for most of us, that promise is ultimately delivered in the offer you make. So today we’re going to talk about…

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    This is pretty much the last few days to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, my offline newsletter which starts it’s 9th year of publication, next month. Please try a free copy, at our risk. Here’s a preview of what’s inside this month: – The fastest way to grow your swipe file…

  • Psychological Conversion Strategies

    Psychological Conversion Strategies

    What is Psychological Conversion Strategies? A lot of people have been sending in questions, wanting to know more about this program which is being released to my online e-mail list only, this Thursday at noon. I’ll give you more information between now and then, but for starters, here’s what’s in the Basic Program. You’ll get:…

  • Live on Video: How To Position Yourself As An Expert

    Live on Video: How To Position Yourself As An Expert

    Live Q & A Video inside: On today’s live Q&A video, I cover: How to easily position yourself as an expert… And, how to market to people from different cultures, who don’t speak English. If you have a question you want answered, about marketing, selling, writing copy or anything else business related… submit your question…

  • Take this important Google Survey right now:

    Take this important Google Survey right now:

    Did you know, you can now make online surveys using Google? It’s true. I just finished putting my first one together, and I’m hoping you can take two minutes of your time to look at it and answer the few questions on it. Plus, you’ll also get to determine the next product I release! Just…

  • How to sell to women:

    How to sell to women:

    Here’s how to sell to women, and what women know that you don’t: Last week, I happened to pick up a copy of a magazine called ShopSmart. Apparently, it’s a sister publication to Consumer Reports, only it’s geared towards women. Like Consumer Reports, it provides independent reviews about products and it doesn’t accept advertisements or…

  • $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    Today’s the last day to get my $5,000 Ad Writing Workshop on sale for only $997. Here are the Top Ten Reasons why you should take advantage of this sale, save the $4 Grand, and start profiting from this program, immediately. 10. I revealed the 15 most important secrets Gary Halbert taught me, when I…

  • Free Report now available on iTunes or kindle: The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    Free Report now available on iTunes or kindle: The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

      If you read books on iTunes or on kindle or on any other reading device, then listen up. A Special Report I put together had just been released on both of those platforms. It’s called “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them,” and you can find it here: On…