Category: Direct Mail

  • How to make compelling offers:

    How to make compelling offers:

    First, a shout out to my son Nick, who just had a beautiful baby girl last night. Everyone’s healthy and we’re all grateful for that. Quick post today – I’m pretty buried with projects right now, and between them and my family commitments, I’m slammed here. Just to let you know, yesterday’s monthly Maximum Money…

  • Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    What to write when you don’t have a lot of space? I spent some time earlier this week putting together a medium-sized direct-mail postcard. And when you’re writing a piece like this, there is one particular problem you have, that ‘s common to New York City apartment-dwellers. Any idea what that problem is? Yep. You…

  • 5 Tips To Boosting Your Direct Mail Response

    5 Tips To Boosting Your Direct Mail Response

    I hope your Thanksgiving was great. Personally, I had a nice, quiet and not “too dysfunctional” day, relaxing with my wife and kids. Watched some football abd relaxed out back, looking at the lake — the weather was beautiful down here in Tampa. I was, however, completely overwhelmed with the constant onslaught of retail holiday…

  • Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Making money using direct mail isn’t easy. BUT… it’s also not as hard as you think it is, simply because not a lot of people are using direct mail. And once you make it work, you get to tap into a steady stream of very qualified new leads, in addition to whatever business you’re getting,…

  • e-mail Marketing – "Quickie" e-mail marketing strategies that make a HUGE difference:

    I’m sure you had this same experience over the last few days, where you got a slew of e-mails offering “Leap Year” sales. Offers like 29% off… Free Shipping… and just “general” sale pieces. Couple of comments on these sales: 1. When you’re offering sales… make sure your sale offering is understandable. “Save 29%” is…

  • Offline Marketing Newsletters – FINAL Notice, Less than 12 hours left:

    Less than 12 hours left to take your free trial of Seductive Selling – here’s, what you’re missing out on this month: *  The Audio Success CD of the month – is an interview with the owner of one of the largest service businesses here on the Gulf Coast of Florida.  He’s taken a boring…

  • Copywriting & Direct-Marketing Videos: "Ask me, baby" video series coming back!

    Next week, I’ll be bringing back the “Ask me, Baby” video q & a series I used to run.  I stopped back in September of 2009, but we’re going to start it back up, next week. The title is basically my response to people saying, “Craig, I have a question for you.” So now, here’s…