Offline Marketing Newsletters – FINAL Notice, Less than 12 hours left:

Less than 12 hours left to take your free trial of Seductive Selling – here’s, what you’re missing out on this month:

The Audio Success CD of the month – is an interview with the owner of one of the largest service businesses here on the Gulf Coast of Florida.  He’s taken a boring and unsexy business and turned it into a powerhouse doing over $2 million a year.  And, he’s up double-digits over last year — using the information he reveals on this call — yes, even with this recession!

*  TWELVE (yes, 12!) LIVE ad marketing examples, including:

– 2 classic direct-marketing ads…

–  An e-mail that shows you EXACTLY how to use current news to get your buyers attention…

–  How to use “Certificates” as post-purchase reassurance (Example 4)…

–  A complete re-write of a lead generation ad for consumers you can us as a template in your own marketing…

–  An unusual little-known media to use when marketing to homeowners (Examples 7 & 8)

–  Two ‘hybrid’ ads – that generate leads AND sell, for homeowners

–  And a very funny e-mail about pain-in-the-ass customers.  If you’ve got ’em, then you’ll LOVE this (Example 12)

*  A lesson in ebonics — AND… an in-depth look at what legendary ad wizard Claude Hopkins called, “His greatest success in life.”

*  6 Mistakes people make when writing lead generation ads, and how to fix them (VERY important)

*  On page 2, a critical component of human psychology that is almost always ignored… and almost always makes your ad completely non-believable.

*  How to create “spur of the moment” offers tied to current events in the news… WITHOUT being boring or redundant.

*  A VERY simple way (and I mean, you can’t do this any easier) to become an authority to your customers

*  Do small one-sixth of a page ads, still work?  Yessiree and you’ll see exactly how to make this happen on page 4.

*  What’s orange and oily and makes $3,500 a pop?  Find out on page 5

*  On my Nightstand Right now: Two books (one novel, one on your health) you MUST get your hands on!

In this month’s Q & A Column: Why being a ‘hard closer’ stinks, and how to instead… be a hard opener, Part 1.

*  7 HUGE lead problems you’ll have (now and in the future) if you aren’t currently using ALL of these ‘hard opening’ strategies

In this month’s Weekend Update: very cool social media integration (if you deal with consumers) — i’ve broken this successful campaign down step-by-step for you to replicate… what affluent consumers want… and Cool URL’s

*  And in this month’s Back-End, “Odds and Sods” – this stream of consciousness was a little scary even for me

Test-drive Seductive Selling now, for free – and see why this is the fastest-growing offline direct-marketing newsletter published, in it’s 6th year of publication.

Now go sell something,  Craig Garber

P.S.  This month’s issue of Seductive Selling was only mailed out last week, and we’re already getting in e-mails:

“Craig, I haven’t been reading it long, so really can’t judge … but I’ll bet your August “Seductive Selling” is your best yet. A lovely mix of family and guidance for readers.”  (from Ronald Smith out of Sarasota, Florida)

and this one:

“Hi Craig, Great newsletter this month.

I really loved Chet’s CD.  It got me thinking how important it is  I start charging more, so I can deliver even more than I’m doing right now.  Awesome stuff!”  (from Bill Parlaman, out of Philadelphia, PA)

If you enjoyed this, hit the Google +1 button on today’s blog post:



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