Category: Direct Response Marketing

  • Important Update: Read this before going any further

    Important Update: Read this before going any further

    I have no idea how you found my website. Perhaps you’re an existing subscriber just checking in to see what’s up… perhaps you read or heard about my book, “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers”… or perhaps you just stumbled over here the way we all seem to find new sites – seamlessly…

  • From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    From $2,000 per client to $10,000 per client:

    Teemu Kinnunen is one of my students – he’s in his mid-twenties and has accomplished quite a bit, professionally. I’m proud to have helped him. For more info on my consulting or coaching programs, click here. In the meanwhile, listen to what Teemu has to say: Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Free: 12…

  • SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship…

    SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship…

    Best dating ad ever… This is the best dating ad I’ve ever seen. Apparently, it was posted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution a while ago. SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping…

  • Newsletter Profits – Watch this short video before your weekend:

    Been talking about this one for a while now. Click on my smiling face below, and check out this short video before you start your weekend – it’s something you can look forward to next week: Have a great weekend! Now go sell something, Craig Garber

  • Direct Marketing 101: Who’s really reading the Bible?

    Direct Marketing 101: Who’s really reading the Bible?

    Here are some conflicting statistics that show you the big difference between what people want, and what people SAY they want: 30% of Americans say they’d rather read a book than do anything else (that’s 3 in 10)… 21% say watching TV is their favorite activity (that’s 1 in 5 or 2 in 10)… And…

  • Pretend to be a lesbian for 24 hours…

    Pretend to be a lesbian for 24 hours…

    I’ve posted up a bunch of new Offbeat Ads Including one from 1988 that (and I kid you not)… shows you “How to act when you meet a lesbian.” Examples: “Do not run from the room”… and, “If you must back away, do so slowly and with discretion.” Just click on the ad below and…

  • How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    Today we’ll talk about a clever marketing strategy you can use, that’ll make your offer look sweeter than it is, and allow you to sell much more. Basically, it positions your goods and services as a bargain compared to others. And when you’re giving your buyers a relative frame of reference you control, YOU wind…

  • Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. This is a prelude to the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, which will be available this coming Thursday at 10AM Estern Time. So, let’s get started: Mistake #1 Your Lead Generation Message Isn’t Congruent With What…

  • Best definition of direct marketing, EVER:

    Best definition of direct marketing, EVER:

    Hey, this is nice and light for you, as we head into the weekend. I saw this posted somewhere on a marketing board a long time ago and I thought it’d give you a good laugh on this happy Friday. You see a hot woman at a party. You go up to her and say,…

  • Announcement:


    Announcement: Well, 2 announcements, actually: 1. Starting tomorrow and through the end of the week, I will be having an Annive813rsary Blowout sale. You’ll be able to get 50% off virtually all my products listed here, under the Products tab on my website Stay tuned for details tomorrow morning. 2. Second, today is the LAST…

  • 3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail:

    3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail:

    Today, 3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail. But before we get started… just to let you know – the June Max Money Club Open Q& A call is this Thursday at 1pm EST If you want to get on the call, you can do it, for free right here – but hurry there’s only…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • 3 short news items before the weekend:

    3 short news items before the weekend:

    It’s been raining cats and dogs here every single afternoon, and I sure hope it stops for a few days. This is a great time of year to be living in western Florida – warm, but not too humid (yet). Before the weekend, I just have 3 short notices for you: 1. Tomorrow is the…

  • Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Last week I was having dinner with an old client of mine – very cool guy. He has a field service business – that’s where technicians go out into the field (in this case, homeowners), and fix their problems. Field service industries include things like plumbing, pest control, HVAC, and so on. So in his…

  • How To Deal With Service Problems:

    How To Deal With Service Problems:

    Dealing with service problems is easier than you think – if you deal with them ahead of time. Here, check this out: All you can do, is the best you can do, right? Of course. We all make mistakes, screw up… and do things we regret. That’s just life, like it or not. And just…

  • Top Ten Onine Marketing Challenges For Small Businesses Today:

    Top Ten Onine Marketing Challenges For Small Businesses Today:

    Let’s have some fun, and figure out what the top ten online marketing challenges are, for small businesses today. The truth is, there are literally hundreds of moving parts small business owners are responsible for on a daily basis. In fact, it was even hard to narrow down the selections just for this list alone. Please…

  • Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Clever Examples of Buying Motives

    Today we’re going to talk about some examples of buying motives. One of the things I do best, is… I’m typically able to help clients charge more money for their goods and services… and I’m also able to increase response rates, significantly. I’m not saying this to brag, because it’s NOT something I was born…

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Quick one today… just to let you know… This Thursday is the open monthly Q&A call for my Maximum Money Club members. Why not hop on the call with us? Get on the call and ask me any questions related to your marketing, at no cost. Just take the free trial here – the trial…

  • Best Business Plan Template… Ever

    Best Business Plan Template… Ever

    Today I’m going to give you an incredibly unconventional business plan template. But if you’re the kind of person who’s attracted to more common sense, practical wisdom… it’ll be the best, and most reliable business plan you ever have. I haven’t really had a lot of mentors in my life. Although, to be honest… I…

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    This is pretty much the last few days to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, my offline newsletter which starts it’s 9th year of publication, next month. Please try a free copy, at our risk. Here’s a preview of what’s inside this month: – The fastest way to grow your swipe file…