Category: Pop Culture

  • Important Update: Read this before going any further

    Important Update: Read this before going any further

    I have no idea how you found my website. Perhaps you’re an existing subscriber just checking in to see what’s up… perhaps you read or heard about my book, “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers”… or perhaps you just stumbled over here the way we all seem to find new sites – seamlessly…

  • Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me, by far: Fly To The Rainbow?

    Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me, by far: Fly To The Rainbow?

    Before I get to my “weird” story, I wanted to share a couple of other things with you… 1. Apparently, an interview I did on generating leads through building sales systems has either just been posted or maybe even reposted. If you’d like to listen to it, check it out right here 2. Funny article…

  • “It is between two wolves…”

    “It is between two wolves…”

    One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was raging inside him. He said, “My son, it is between two wolves.” “One is evil, and filled with anger, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false price, superiority and ego…” Check this out: I recently put together a lead…

  • Happy Birthday, Sam

    Happy Birthday, Sam

    Today is my daughter Sam’s 15th birthday. Being 15 is pretty damn difficult, especially nowadays. Social media has increased peer expectations and decreased personal freedom, for kids. I have to admit, even though I’m not one to rush time away… I’ll look forward to the day when Sam’s through all the teenage angst. I wrote…

  • This is actually quite funny

    This is actually quite funny

    So the other day I’m sitting down at my wife’s computer looking at a yahoo page she has open. I like doing this every once in a while, to catch up on some pop culture gossip. I don’t really read the news or watch it on television, so occasionally I find something interesting on there.…

  • Reggie.


    My first two years away at college were a hot mess. I was too immature to interact socially… I had very little coping skills to deal with new people in a new environment… and I felt like a fish out of water. After these two years, I left, and finished off at a local school…

  • Penalty of Leadership?

    Penalty of Leadership?

    You may be familiar with this ad, but maybe not. It was ran by Cadillac in the Saturday Evening Post, on January 20, 1915, almost a century ago. At first blush, as an ad to sell cars, it seems pretty useless. However, read it slowly, and pay close attention to what it’s saying. Sure, some…

  • Copywriting: The Division Bell

    Copywriting: The Division Bell

    As a music lover, and a child of the 1970’s, I spent a lot of time in my room listening to albums. One of my favorite bands was, and still is, Pink Floyd. There are a number of reasons I love their music, but one of the strongest was their guitarist, David Gilmour. Gilmour, who…

  • Interesting New Business Model:

    Interesting New Business Model:

    I recently came across a company with an interesting new business model. It’s called MassDrop and it’s kind of like a crowdfunding project that allows you to buy unusual retail items. It’s like taking a trip to the mall and walking through stores like Spencer’s and Sharper Image, where they have really cool, modern tech…

  • Can you trust anyone, nowadays?

    Can you trust anyone, nowadays?

    According to the experts, no. A few days ago in the Harvard Business Review, I was reading a snippet of an article on trust. You can read the original article here (Warning: it’s a research article and it’s long), but the gist of it is that interpersonal trust between us, has hit an all time…

  • Real Estate Investing?

    Real Estate Investing?

    Pay close attention to this message – especially if you live outside of America. About 5 or 6 years ago, I wanted to start investing in real estate. So I went to a guy I knew who supposedly did well as an investor, and I asked him what to do. He was a real estate…

  • The Rainbow Bridge: you’ll get there one day…

    The Rainbow Bridge: you’ll get there one day…

    I pulled this out last week because a client of mine was recently talking about losing her dog and I was reminded of it. I don’t know who wrote it, but 10 years ago, I had to put my dog down and our veterinarian gave it to me afterwards. If you’ve ever had a pet…

  • Hello darkness, my old friend: What’s your technique for persevering in difficult situations?

    Hello darkness, my old friend: What’s your technique for persevering in difficult situations?

    There are certain things in life you experience that cause you pain. For example… A well-known, well liked celebrity passes away, and it stirs up all kinds of emotional angst and introspection… A friend or business partner stabs you in the back or treats you unkindly and you feel betrayed… Someone in your immediate family…

  • How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    If you’re a man, and if you are also a sharp marketer, you probably already know what I’m about to tell you. But… If you are a woman, this information may give you some insight as to why men are so simple and how foolish we are. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the final scene of “The…

  • Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Couple quickies for this beautiful Monday morning: 1. Today’s the last day you can check out the replay of Dan Lok’s webinar from last week. The replay is right here and will be up through the end of today. If you missed it, this was a truly unique way of running your consulting business, with…

  • Writing goodbye?

    Writing goodbye?

    One quick admin thing to deal with. I’m going to make a Q & A video or two over the weekend, so if you have any good marketing, copywriting or strategy questions you want me to answer,send them in to me by submitting them right here. I read a short, interesting article the other day,…

  • A simple reminder about who you do business with:

    A simple reminder about who you do business with:

    Hey, before I forget… watch this short, moving video my wife showed me over the weekend – it’s a perfect way to start off your week. OK, great… now let’s move on: There’s an old saying, “The cobbler’s kids never have any shoes.” And it basically means that often, people will neglect the very thing…

  • 3 short news items before the weekend:

    3 short news items before the weekend:

    It’s been raining cats and dogs here every single afternoon, and I sure hope it stops for a few days. This is a great time of year to be living in western Florida – warm, but not too humid (yet). Before the weekend, I just have 3 short notices for you: 1. Tomorrow is the…

  • Is this the DEATH of ALL relationships?

    Is this the DEATH of ALL relationships?

    For whatever reason – probably just inherent curiosity, mostly… I’m always trying to learn something. I’m always studying human behavior, asking questions, and just trying to put the pieces together. Sometimes, if you look and listen long and hard enough… things make sense. But other times, nothing seems to make sense. One thing I’ve been…

  • How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    Here’s a great example of how to get new customers involved in your marketing: A few weeks ago, I stopped into the Shell station to fill up my tank with gas. I think it was probably a Saturday morning after I was coming back from the gym. I usually do some cardio work on Saturdays.…