A simple reminder about who you do business with:

Hey, before I forget… watch this short, moving video my wife showed me over the weekend – it’s a perfect way to start off your week.

OK, great… now let’s move on:

There’s an old saying, “The cobbler’s kids never have any shoes.”

And it basically means that often, people will neglect the very thing that’s closest to them – especially as it relates to their own profession.

So for instance, you’ll often see or hear about doctors who are in poor health or physical condition, simply because of sheer neglect… or family therapist’s whose personal lives are in sheer chaos and utter dysfunction. Or nurses who ignore their own kids.

I was thinking about this the other day, because I was reminded of something a client of mine passed along to me.

He’s a very successful dental coach, and one of the first things he does before he reviews the applications of his clients, is… he does a simple Google search on them.

Thank goodness he does this, because someone who recently applied to his program not only had an unethical past as a professional… but had literally stolen MILLIONS of dollars from his patients.

Crazy, isn’t it?

Yeah, of course.

But things like this are all part of the crazy world we live in – and unfortunately, more common than you may think.

Now the reason why the saying “The cobbler’s kids never have any shoes,” is relevant to this, is simply because…

Here we are – myself included – working away all day online, constantly using Google as a resource. Looking up everything from how a particular nutrient impacts your health… to how your favorite sports team performed last night, and anything and everything in-between.

Yet, how often do you check out:

Your clients or prospective clients who want to do business with you…

Your competition and what they’re doing, saying or selling, that’s new…

The surgeon who’s about to operate on you…

The new pediatrician you’re thinking of using to take care of your kids…

And the contractor you want to hire, to remodel your home?

If you’re like me, you probably do this most of the time.

But if you don’t – this is a good reminder to make sure you do this, more often.

Funny story – about 2 years ago, I get a call from someone who wants to talk to me about a project he wants me to work on.

Before our call, I look him up and like, one of the first things that shows up, is some kind of a “scam” type of report on him.

Now I’m an open-minded person, and I realize one act doesn’t define someone’s entire life. So I’m willing to speak with this guy.

BUT… if there’s even the slightest hint of “weasel”… I’m cutting the conversation very short, and we’re done.

Well, sure enough, not 5 minutes into the conversation, the guy’s trying to run some nonsense with me, and so I end the call.

(Oddly enough, he was helping lawyers market their services, but that’s another story.)

My point is, don’t be like the cobbler.

It’s easy to get blinded by opportunities and to overlook the basics.

But try not to. Because the small gains you might make… will – most of the time – be far outweighed by the tremendous pains you’ll have to suffer through, along the way.

Have a great week.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Free: 12 Special Reports – download ’em now

How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers:

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listening to:

Creature Comfort – Dwellers (2014)



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