Screw Obama, Screw McCain…

I’m sick and tired of the way things are going in this country. And so I finally decided, “Craig, you’re either part of the problem… or, you’re part of the solution.” But now I’m not just part of the solution — I AM the solution!

Check out this late-breaking news video here on my blog:

Show your vote of support by posting a comment here on my blog below. (Then go take a free 30-day test-drive of my offline newsletter right here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber






8 responses to “Screw Obama, Screw McCain…”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Completely Insane.

    Might as well put Mick Jagger
    up as a candidate.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    As one of my friends has asked: “Are McCain and Obama the best leaders America has?” I think not but many great leaders are not interested in the insane political process. I think many poeple are ready for a change even of it means going back to a KING. What fun!

  3. Ken Avatar

    Craig, you’ve got my online vote in the bag. I’ve met you face-to-face and I haven’t met Obama or McCain, so you’re ahead in the “I know you” stakes! Plus, I know you’re a straight talker and action oriented guy.

    One more thing…as one of the many legal aliens waiting for the process of gaining citizenship to play itself out, I hope I’ll be allowed to vote for you online even though McCain and Obama won’t get the benefit of my vote as I’m currently ineligible!

    Ken Alston

  4. Kevin Avatar

    This was originally sent to me by Michael Angier from I then got one from Ken McArthur. I liked it so much that I decided to run. Hooray for the independents!

  5. Steve Avatar

    Be Afraid……Be Very Afraid

    Steve McCullough

  6. Old Nikko Avatar
    Old Nikko

    Craig, you get my vote IF….

    You legalize (de-criminalize?) smoking cigars anywhere I please…! 😉

    Nick – GM, The Entrepreneur Community Network on MSN

  7. The Other Jim Daniels Avatar
    The Other Jim Daniels

    Don’t know if you’re the best person for the job but I’m sick of the 2 party monopoly. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans give a damn about the average working person. Their only goal is to get more of their party elected or reelected. Let’s hear it for the independents!

    I say it’s time to do away with all of the Democrats and Republicans primary BS. Let’s just have an election. Anybody can sign up and run. The person with 51% wins. Have a run off of the top 4 or 5 if necessary.

    I’ll end up either voting for you, Bob Barr, or Alfred E Newman.

  8. Craig Garber Avatar
    Craig Garber

    Jim, I agree with you 100%… of the three of us, I think Newman is the best candidate. Plus, he has more hair… Peace, Craig

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