Category: Information Marketing

  • Newsletter Publishing Profits Now Open – still MORE bonuses added

    Newsletter Publishing Profits Now Open – still MORE bonuses added

    Doors are now open for Newsletter Publishing Profits, the only program that shows you how to leverage an offline newsletter into cash-flow for your business that is otherwise unobtainable any other way. I think I must have Bonus FEVER, because I’ve added in yet another bonus to this program. Today’s Added BONUS: I’m including the…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • 3 short news items before the weekend:

    3 short news items before the weekend:

    It’s been raining cats and dogs here every single afternoon, and I sure hope it stops for a few days. This is a great time of year to be living in western Florida – warm, but not too humid (yet). Before the weekend, I just have 3 short notices for you: 1. Tomorrow is the…

  • Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Here’s a cool way to create irresistible offers, and to increasing conversions. One of the reasons why places like McDonalds and Taco Bell are so successful, is because of the perceived distance between the offer they are making you… and your investment in it. So for instance, you don’t have to be a White House…

  • 3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    3 Ways to roll out a new product (or re-launch an old one):

    Here’s a really simple way you can successfully roll out a new product or re-launch an old one. As David Ogilvy once said, “The heart of an advertisement is a great big promise.” And for most of us, that promise is ultimately delivered in the offer you make. So today we’re going to talk about…

  • 3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    Here’s how to destroy your credibility: About a week ago, I was looking through a sales letter online. It was someone selling “How To” information. The guy who wrote the letter took a very strong position about how he wasn’t like everyone else. In fact, this was his entire platform as far as his differential…

  • Emotional Direct-Response Marketing Strategies – LAST day, NO exceptions:

    This month’s Seductive Selling is an INCREDIBLE issue, but it’s only going to be available until midnight tomorrow.  You can still take a  30-day free test-drive of it, so listen to what you’re missing: First of all, the Audio Success CD of the month is with one of my Mastermind members, and he gets VERY…