Category: Price Points

  • How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    Today we’ll talk about a clever marketing strategy you can use, that’ll make your offer look sweeter than it is, and allow you to sell much more. Basically, it positions your goods and services as a bargain compared to others. And when you’re giving your buyers a relative frame of reference you control, YOU wind…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • Pricing Strategies For A New Product

    Pricing Strategies For A New Product

    One of the trickiest and sometimes most challenging things to deal with, is to decide on the correct pricing strategies for a new product you’re about to start selling. So today, let’s talk about a 3 simple pricing strategies for a new product. 1. If you’re going to start somewhere, start at the top. First……

  • How to charge high prices: 3 Ways to charge more by showing you're offering "high quality"

    if you want to sell high-priced items, then you have to show “high quality.” and that’s because price is only a problem in the absence of value.  meaning, people don’t have a problem spending a lot of money on something, as long as they see the value in it so here are three things you…

  • Direct Marketing Strategies: 3 Ways to leverage numbers and pricing

    Interesting article about pricing, over on A couple of professors out of Virginia Tech recently did some studies about how consumers react to prices. And it turns out, HOW you present things is FAR more important than WHAT you are presenting.  Which should be no surprise to anyone who’s had even a little bit…

  • Writing Sales Letters: More pricing problems and how to avoid them

    More pricing problems and how to avoid them Look, I love my kids more than anything… and if you have kids, you probably feel the same way. BUT… you know those people who have kids and the ONLY thing they talk about, is their kids? Or their ailments? Or their crappy job?  Or their financial…

  • Small Business Marketing – The 5 hidden benefits of charging more:

    Many people are afraid of high prices. They’re afraid of spending big money, and they’re also afraid of charging more money. And this will ALWAYS be the case, by the way. I have NEVER seen someone who’s too cheap to spend their own money, ever be able to successfully charge others more money. Call it…

  • Small Business Marketing: 3 Ways to use premiums to charge higher prices

    One of the first lessons I learned, early on in my career, is… charging higher prices isn’t a problem. See, most people don’t have a problem spending money as long as they see value in their investment.  Which means JUSTIFYING your higher prices is the problem, not charging them in the first place. Of course…

  • Writing sales letters: How to create price points when you're selling intangibles (easy)

    If you’re selling things like oranges, accounting services, securities, or gold… it’s pretty easy to come up with your price points. Each of these items has multiple existing marketplaces, so all you need to do is use these marketplaces as a starting point, and then use superior marketing to increase your value up from there.…