Category: Communication

  • Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family

    Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family

    I’ve been reasonably absent for much of this year – at least from emailing you and the rest of my list. This is the first time that’s ever happened, but… I’ve been at this for 16 years now, and I’ve worked in over 104 different industries with more than 300 clients. It’s not like I…

  • Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    Why are some of these people trusted less than others?

    I’m not really sure when this was written, but I recently came across a poll that measured the public’s perceived trust of certain professions. Apparently, nurses are the most trusted profession, and have been so every year this poll has ever been done (since 1999). Except for one year when firefighters took the top spot.…

  • Good Billboard Advertising?

    Good Billboard Advertising?

    I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today. You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted. It’s really odd what people put up on billboards. For some reason, most advertisers just seem…

  • The passenger next to you never told you this, that’s for sure…

    The passenger next to you never told you this, that’s for sure…

    Airplane flights are interesting. Sometimes you can sit there and read and listen to your ipod. Other times you get stuck next to the sweaty fat guy or the crying kid. And still, other times you find yourself involved in a pretty deep, pretty intimate conversation with a complete stranger. That’s what happend to my…

  • Where are you going to be in 5 years? (ps: it doesn’t matter)

    Where are you going to be in 5 years? (ps: it doesn’t matter)

    I don’t watch loads of television. But when I do, I like to watch movies on Netflix… documentaries – mostly on animals and science… and sports. There are also a few series I really like, or liked… like Mad Men, The Following, and Dexter. However, being happily married, one of the things that comes along…

  • 10 Biggest, most painful lessons I learned in 2014:

    10 Biggest, most painful lessons I learned in 2014:

    First off, since we haven’t spoke in almost two weeks, I certainly hope you had a great holiday season. I spent a lot of time with my family, and got to catch up with a bunch of my friends. So, it was a peaceful and relaxing time, which is probably how the holidays should be.…

  • This is actually quite funny

    This is actually quite funny

    So the other day I’m sitting down at my wife’s computer looking at a yahoo page she has open. I like doing this every once in a while, to catch up on some pop culture gossip. I don’t really read the news or watch it on television, so occasionally I find something interesting on there.…

  • Copywriting: The Division Bell

    Copywriting: The Division Bell

    As a music lover, and a child of the 1970’s, I spent a lot of time in my room listening to albums. One of my favorite bands was, and still is, Pink Floyd. There are a number of reasons I love their music, but one of the strongest was their guitarist, David Gilmour. Gilmour, who…

  • Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Tomorrow I’m launching a program I’ve been working on for a long time – Newsletter Profits. And here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting with it: There are two levels, Publisher’s and Basic. Publisher’s includes everything in the Basic Program plus some really cool extras. Here’s the Basic Program, which is…

  • Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Copywriting tips… A short conversation with my youngest son went like this:

    Cool copywriting tip today: I’ll never forget a conversation I had with one of my kids, a few years back. I was talking to my younger son Casey before his swim meet. School had just started and I asked if there was anything in particular he liked about school this year. He said he likes…

  • Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    There are really only three things to keep in mind, when writing headlines: 1. Try and arouse curiosity But this is pretty much a cardinal rule of initiating all kinds of conversations, isn’t it? It’s why asking a woman what her favorite drink is… works a lot better than asking her if she’s a democrat…

  • 3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    The other night I had the opportunity to speak in front of a group of business owners, about a variety of things involving marketing, selling, and closing. Which, in reality, are the three most important “touch points” of customer or client flow, in your business. One of the issues that came up, is when you’re…

  • How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    How To Get New Customers Involved In Your Marketing

    Here’s a great example of how to get new customers involved in your marketing: A few weeks ago, I stopped into the Shell station to fill up my tank with gas. I think it was probably a Saturday morning after I was coming back from the gym. I usually do some cardio work on Saturdays.…

  • The right way… and wrong way… to interpret workshop feedback

    The right way… and wrong way… to interpret workshop feedback

    Great lesson today about workshop feedback and expectations. A while ago, I was working with a client of mine and he was a little upset about something and wanted to discuss it with me. He’d recently put on a seminar that went really well… and one of the feedback forms he received contained a negative…

  • I’m an expert in something:

    I’m an expert in something:

    Kind of a funny day, yesterday. One of those days you recognize as some sort of an “accomplishment,” but a very intangible one. Not like, say… a college graduation, where you’ve done “X” to get your diploma… and not even like your wedding, or the day your first child was born. Those are obviously significant…

  • Marketplace Positioning & How to do it even when it makes you uncomfortable:

    Marketplace Positioning & How to do it even when it makes you uncomfortable:

    Friday, we talked a little bit about Market Positioning, and how some people are reluctant to position themselves where they need to be. If you missed the post, you can read it here You know, positioning is much more than “boasting” and in fact, boasting and bragging, isn’t positioning, at all. However, what do you…

  • Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    Market Positioning secrets your mother won’t tell you:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve played “tooth fairly,” but I loved when my kids were little and they lost a tooth. Besides looking really cute, they’d put the tooth under their pillow… knowing full well, when they woke up in the morining… the tooth fairy would have paid them a visit overnight, taking…

  • The Worst.  Salespitch.  Everrr.

    The Worst. Salespitch. Everrr.

    Hope you had a good weekend. Mine was great – worked on Saturday, and relaxed both outside and inside yesterday. Unlike most of the country, we were lucky to have some great weather here yesterday (81 degrees and sunny!) Funny thing happened to me about a week before the Christmas break. I got a phone…

  • Copywriting Tips: 2 Ways to bond with your customers and clients: Which one of them works best for you?

    Copywriting Tips: 2 Ways to bond with your customers and clients: Which one of them works best for you?

    I haven’t forgotten about you — just incredibly busy here. But let’s see what we can come up with today, before we sail into the weekend. There are two ways you can bond with your buyers: by Category, or by Likeness. Here’s the difference. When you bond with someone based on Category, you’re looking at…

  • How To Start A Conversation With Your Buyers: Opening up a sales letter

    How To Start A Conversation With Your Buyers: Opening up a sales letter

    Hey, before we get into today’s tip, I just want to catch up on something we talked about last week. We talked about what an abysmal job LA Fitness was doing, at generating leads: You can click on this ad to see the original post: Anyway, clearly… no one at LA Fitness is reading this…