Category: Communication

  • Readability statistics and how to use them to sell more

    Readability statistics and how to use them to sell more

    I’m not a particularly big fan of Microsoft Word. It’s quirky on Mac, at best… and if you’re using any kind of graphics at all — good luck. It’s the only software I know where you can stick a jpg file on the bottom of page 1, and then try and move it over an…

  • New Offbeat Ads Posted

    New Offbeat Ads Posted

    Just posted up a bunch of new Offbeat Ads Check ’em out here New Q & A Video comes out tomorrow – send your questions in here… and have a great day. Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. ON SALE: How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers – LIFETIME Guarantee Included 30-Day Cash-Flow Surge…

  • 2 Ways To Come Up With Your “Big Idea”

    2 Ways To Come Up With Your “Big Idea”

    How to create “the big idea” for your product or service: No matter what you’re selling, you’re going to continue struggling, if you’re not offering up “a big idea.” Meaning, something that makes you different, or positions you differently than anyone else. Some people call this a USP (Unique Selling Proposition), but your buyers don’t…

  • Copywriting Tips: 5 Ways To Write A Great Offer

    Copywriting Tips: 5 Ways To Write A Great Offer

    OK, lots to catch up with… For starters, this is the LONGEST I’ve ever gone, since my business has been online, without sending out a tip. Yes, I’ve definitely been somewhat invisible. (Funny to think that at one point — say… only 10 years ago… plenty of businesses weren’t online.) I’ve had good intentions, but…

  • Part 4 – How to persuade your buyers:

    Part 4 – How to persuade your buyers:

    Today, Part 4 in this series – How To Persuade Your Buyers I was very fortunate, early in my career, to read a book that’s often overlooked with respect to selling in print, or writing copy. It’s called “How To Write A Good Advertisement,” by Victor O. Schwab. Schwab was mentored by the great Maxwell…

  • How To Maximize Your Time – Add 1.5 Extra hours of free time… and at LEAST 2 Extra hours of productivity, to your day:

    How To Maximize Your Time – Add 1.5 Extra hours of free time… and at LEAST 2 Extra hours of productivity, to your day:

    I mentioned last week how I’m REALLY buried with work right now. And so one of the things I seriously needed to do was clean up any inefficiencies in my use of time. I’ve tried this before, without much success. I had LOTS of starts and stops, trying this and that… and I only wound…

  • When To Use Humor In Selling

    When To Use Humor In Selling

    A lot of people try and use humor in selling, and in their sales letters, but in general… it’s not a good idea. And before we talk about why, let me address something you might be thinking; “Yeah Craig, but you’re funny in these posts every once in a while.” And this may be true.…

  • How to write a winning sales pitch!

    How to write a winning sales pitch!

    I’m VERY busy right now – copywriting clients, consulting, and outside projects. So daily tips haven’t been as frequent, and I’m sorry about that. Next week, we’re going to have a big blowout Easter sale, so sharpen your credit cards, ok? Today, I want to talk about two things: 1. How to write a winning…

  • Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising probably isn’t something you think about very much. And the truth is, I don’t think there’s an ad man out there who hasn’t been challenged by this topic at one time or another. Why? Because ethics in advertising is kind of like pollen. Some people are highly allergic to it, and will…

  • Sex in advertising

    Sex in advertising

    I posted another Offbeat Ad up on my blog. It’s called “Sex in Advertising” — check it out, now. Also, tomorrow is the last day you can slash $500 (50%) off one hour of consulting with me. Just enter the Special Code CONSULT in the shopping cart, to claim your discount Leave your comments about…

  • 3 Ways to sell to your list: Which one of them is best for you?  (Choosing the right voice to write (and sell) in)

    3 Ways to sell to your list: Which one of them is best for you? (Choosing the right voice to write (and sell) in)

    Today’s tip is only for people who are willing to go the extra mile when you’re trying to sell in print. It’s like doing cardio before or after you work out with weights — only the die-hards are going to do it. Similarly, only those people who are die-hards are going to consider today’s topic.…

  • New Offbeat Ad Posted: Ooh baby… Is that a telex in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

    New Offbeat Ad Posted: Ooh baby… Is that a telex in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

    Just posted a new ad in the Offbeat Ads section of my blog. The ad’s called “Ooh baby… Is that a telex in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” Oh, and here’s a cute story you might like. Years ago, when I graduated from college and worked as a CPA at…

  • New Offbeat Ad Posted: Tipalet – Ahhh… the 70’s

    New Offbeat Ad Posted: Tipalet – Ahhh… the 70’s

    Just posted a new Offbeat Ad. This one is called, “Ahhh… the 70’s” Bring your tube socks and your tiny gym shorts with you, and read the post over in the Offbeat Ads section, right here. ATTENTION: How to make 2013 your best year EVER Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Download my 30-Day…

  • Not one, but TWO cool customer service stories

    Not one, but TWO cool customer service stories

    I figured we’d end the week on an up note, so check this out. Now as you know, retail store clerks aren’t exactly known for how accommodating OR how motivated they are. However, a few weeks ago I was up in New York City, at Saks Fifth Avenue. I was walking through the store and…

  • Unique Selling Proposition – GREAT example of Unique market positioning: (Odd product)

    This is a somewhat lengthy message, but the lesson it it, is VERY cool.  And it’s one you can probably use in your own business. Yesterday afternoon, I got an e-mail from Doug of The message showed you a great example of how to create a Unique Selling Proposition.  Here’s a somewhat edited version…

  • Copywriting Tips – 7 Overused words you MUST eliminate from your marketing, now:

    First, just to let you know, over 50% of the people registering for my Workshop, have applied for Hot Seats — which is starting to make Hot Seats, the most IMPORTANT part of this event. So if you getting a Hot Seat is important to you, then make sure you send in your application SOONER…

  • Copywriting Mistakes: A Major mistake you're making when you're speaking to buyers

    There is a very simple copywriting strategy that separates all good communicators, from everyone else. At first, when you use this strategy, it might feel “awkward.”  But rest assured, it feels very normal for your readers and buyers, so ignore your own urge to change. What I’m talking about is… *** Lead Generation & Client…

  • Sales Letter Bullets – Sloppy mistakes that cost you orders:

    Before we get started today, let me tell you that I’ll be releasing information for my upcoming Lead Generation & Client Attraction workshop in the next day or so, so keep your eyes opened for it.  The workshop will be here in Tampa on Friday and Saturday, June 22nd & 23rd. Now let’s get to…

  • Personality Marketing: 3 Ways to put personality into your writing

    Well, well, well… what do we have here, today? Everyone wants to know how to put personality in their writing, right? You betcha. So let’s talk about three different ways to make this happen. 1.  First things first — do you HAVE a personality to share? If you’re rather dull and boring, you’re in trouble…

  • Conversion Strategy – How to close open loops for your buyers:

    “The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.  It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance or the help of others — it is in yourself alone.”  Orison Swett Marden If you’ve ever studied David Allen’s material on how to get organized, “Getting Things Done,” he often refers to…