Free, for “Chubbies”

There was a time – and not too long ago, actually – when it wasn’t offensive or politically incorrect to call fat people “fat,” cheap people “cheap,” or lazy people “lazy.”

Today, you can’t do these things any more.  It’s supposedly distasteful… not classy… and it “hurts people’s feelings.”

Is it any wonder why therapists offices are filled with people who have a hard time being direct and candid?  People who feel “awkward” and struggle with speaking their own truth?

Perhaps this cultural limitation of what’s “appropriate” and what’s not appropriate, is why passive-aggressive is the new “normal” today.  Finding someone who’s open and direct is about as hard as finding a unicorn, nowadays.

Back when Lane Bryant put this ad out, however… they were actually being benevolent.  See, it was hard to find any nice clothing if you were overweight, back then.

I know, because I was a chubby, myself, and shopped in the “husky” section, for years.

Now, I’m proud to sport a 34″ inch waist – which ain’t bad for someone my age, but I probably had this same 34″ waist when I was 9 years old!

What’s really funny though, is that no one seems to bitch when you see ads for penis pills: “Make your penis longer and harder — overnight!”

What, you don’t have to be sensitive to some poor schlub who’s penis is shamefully small… but if someone’s a few pounds overweight, it’s offensive?

It’s unsolved mysteries like this, which I simply cannot understand… that make me feel like an outsider in this world, sometimes.
