Doctor Recommended!

When I was a kid, I studied music.  One of the acronyms we’d use to remember the notes, as they were written on a G-clef five-line music staff, was “EGBDF,” as in, “Every good boy does fine.”

In other words, the note on the bottom line of the staff was an “E”… the note on the next line up was a “G”… then a “B”… and so on.

Of course, as you know — a much more well-known acronym was “EGDRV,” as in “Every good doctor recommends Viceroys.”

I was a smoker when I was a kid, but I never tried Viceroys.  Marlboro, Parliament, Kent, Camels, Pall Mall, Vantage, check.  Viceroys, no.  Obviously I wasn’t reading medical journals back then, or I would have listened to my doctor.

This ad looks like it’s from the 1950’s so it’s before my time.
