Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Good news

    Good news

    Something odd happened to me yesterday. As you probably know… we got disconnected by the service I was using for yesterday’s teleseminar — not once… but TWICE. The weird thing was… normally, I’d have been pretty pissed off and frustrated at something like that. I think, I am now officially getting old, because it didn’t…

  • Just the facts: Lead Generation Mistake #12

    Just the facts: Lead Generation Mistake #12

    One of the most important things you an do, especially when you’re trying to generate leads, is disclose as many facts as you can about your product or service. For some reason, people seem to feel “facts” are boring… and that your customers, clients, and patients won’t be interested in them. So instead, people spend…

  • What you can expect on Thursday’s Free call – time running out, register now:

    What you can expect on Thursday’s Free call – time running out, register now:

    This Thursday at 2pm Eastern time (and again at 7pm Eastern time) I’m hosting a free teleseminar, called The 21 Most Costly Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Trying To Generate Leads. That’s less than 48 hours away You can register for the call here We’ll take an in-depth look at 21 critical lead generation strategies, and…

  • 3 things, and an Important announcement:

    3 things, and an Important announcement:

    1. First, I’ll be hosting a free teleseminar this Thursday evening on the 21 most common lead generation mistakes people make. So look out for an announcement about this, later on today. 2. Second… I recently posted a few new Offbeat Ads on my blog. Going over old ads is a great way to see…

  • Testimonial letters — what to do and what to never EVER do

    Testimonial letters — what to do and what to never EVER do

    People often ask me what the best kinds of testimonial letters should say, and the answer is actually quite simple. Good testimonial letters should be like verbal “snapshots” of the difference between what your life looked like BEFORE you used the product or service, and what it’s like right now, AFTER you’ve used whatever it…

  • Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Making money using direct mail isn’t easy. BUT… it’s also not as hard as you think it is, simply because not a lot of people are using direct mail. And once you make it work, you get to tap into a steady stream of very qualified new leads, in addition to whatever business you’re getting,…

  • Permission e-mail marketing: Ignoring all the haters

    Permission e-mail marketing: Ignoring all the haters

    Believing something, without thinking things through… is dangerous. And here’s why: I recently read some survey results, and if you took what you read at face value, it might cost you a small fortune. Here’s what happened. The survey said, 75% of all consumers will dislike a brand after they blast them with e-mails. Now…

  • Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising probably isn’t something you think about very much. And the truth is, I don’t think there’s an ad man out there who hasn’t been challenged by this topic at one time or another. Why? Because ethics in advertising is kind of like pollen. Some people are highly allergic to it, and will…

  • Cool Customer Engagement Strategy

    Cool Customer Engagement Strategy

    Before we go any further, see if you know the correct answers to any of these 3 questions, and then we’ll talk about a very cool customer engagement strategy: 1. What’s the most important part of your sales letter, display ad or website? 2. If you had to choose between using direct mail or a…

  • LOADS of Offbeat Ad updates:

    LOADS of Offbeat Ad updates:

    I have to tell you… yesterday, the weather here was virtually perfect. It was odd, because the night before, we had the heat on, it was so cold. (61 degrees — yes, go ahead and laugh at how my New York City blood has become used to Florida) But during the day, it warmed up…

  • how to find clients (good ones, anyway)

    how to find clients (good ones, anyway)

    How to find clients is the most important question you want to get answered, when you’re running a business. See, when you first get started in business, you’ll pretty much work with anyone who has a pulse. You’ll say “Yes,” to basically anyone who’s willing to give you a shot at earning some money. But…

  • David Ogilvy Quotes

    David Ogilvy Quotes

    There are several people I’ve studied over the years, who’ve made a huge impact on how I think, with respect to marketing. Specifically, the “social engineering” behind what you’re selling. “Social engineering” is a term I first heard Gary Halbert used. And what he was referring to, is the approach you want to use, to…

  • Pricing Strategies For A New Product

    Pricing Strategies For A New Product

    One of the trickiest and sometimes most challenging things to deal with, is to decide on the correct pricing strategies for a new product you’re about to start selling. So today, let’s talk about a 3 simple pricing strategies for a new product. 1. If you’re going to start somewhere, start at the top. First……

  • Sex in advertising

    Sex in advertising

    I posted another Offbeat Ad up on my blog. It’s called “Sex in Advertising” — check it out, now. Also, tomorrow is the last day you can slash $500 (50%) off one hour of consulting with me. Just enter the Special Code CONSULT in the shopping cart, to claim your discount Leave your comments about…

  • Upselling Techniques

    Upselling Techniques

    Yesterday we talked about how to get more business from existing clients. Today, we’re going to talk about another “smart money” move — upselling techniques. “An upsell” is basically when you increase the value of any given transaction by offering additional items for sale. So for example, the most common upsell you’re familiar with, is…

  • How to get more business from existing clients

    How to get more business from existing clients

    It’s a LOT easier to get more business from existing clients, than it is to get new business from new clients. And that’s because the toughest sale is your first one. After your first sale, things like credibility, believability, and trust — typically the three biggest hurdles you need to overcome to convert someone into…

  • 3 Ways to sell to your list: Which one of them is best for you?  (Choosing the right voice to write (and sell) in)

    3 Ways to sell to your list: Which one of them is best for you? (Choosing the right voice to write (and sell) in)

    Today’s tip is only for people who are willing to go the extra mile when you’re trying to sell in print. It’s like doing cardio before or after you work out with weights — only the die-hards are going to do it. Similarly, only those people who are die-hards are going to consider today’s topic.…

  • Now Open: Download my 30-Day Cash Flow Surge Program, Free – 17 slots left

    Now Open: Download my 30-Day Cash Flow Surge Program, Free – 17 slots left

    You can now download my 30-Day Cash-Flow Surge Program, right now. This will stay open until 17 more people have taken advantage of this, no exceptions. Get busy reading, listening, and watching… and have a great weekend. Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S. Contact Anne in the office at 813-333-2463, or go here if…

  • a (true) New Year’s Story

    a (true) New Year’s Story

    If you read the intro to my book, then you know two things about me: One, that I didn’t get a particularly good start in life. And second…you also know the two defining experiences of my life that basically shaped who I am today. Earlier this week, I was reminded of something else that happened…

  • Thank you for 2012 (and some new videos)

    Thank you for 2012 (and some new videos)

    Before we get started here in 2013 (imagine that!)… I just want to say “Thanks” for a fantastic 2012. If you are, or have been, a customer or client of mine, I want you to know we truly appreciate your business and the ongoing trust you place in me. If you’re a past customer, I’d…

Got any book recommendations?