Good news

Something odd happened to me yesterday.

As you probably know… we got disconnected by the service I was using for yesterday’s teleseminar — not once… but TWICE.

The weird thing was… normally, I’d have been pretty pissed off and frustrated at something like that.

I think, I am now officially getting old, because it didn’t bother me like that, at all.

Sure, I felt bad we were all inconvenienced, but I knew that this just meant, we’d find bigger and better things.

Plus, that was a free service, and the truth is… you DO get what you pay for.

Stuff like this doesn’t stress me out, anymore. When things like this happen — that are out of your control — it usually means you find a better solution to solve your problem, and this usually means… more opportunity and new and even better experiences.

And that’s the good news.

Loads of people were kind enough to recommend InstantTeleseminar, and I just signed up with them, this morning.

So next Wednesday, we’ll run the teleseminar again (don’t worry, I’ll send you the details next week), and InstantTeleseminar has some REALLY cool features I didn’t have before.

For example… you won’t have to call in and sit there listening in on the telephone — you’ll be able to listen on your computer… and, you’ll even be able to see the handout on the screen right there in front of you.

You can even dial in on Skype if you want.

I’m going to get all the details set up prior to the call, so things should work out just fine. I’ll give you the scoop next week, prior to the call.

I also posted a few new Offbeat Ads on my blog, so check them out here.

You know what else happened to me that makes me feel old?

I’ll tell you.

TWICE in the last two days, people told me, “Wow, I hope I’m in your shape…

When I’m your age.”

I guess that’s a compliment, but it sure doesn’t feel that way.

Have a great weekend,

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Instantly download 12 NEW Special Reports, yours free

How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers – LIFETIME Guarantee Included

How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers –

How To Sell Anything

listening to: In The Meantime – Spacehog (1996)



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