Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Rainbow Bridge: you’ll get there one day…

    The Rainbow Bridge: you’ll get there one day…

    I pulled this out last week because a client of mine was recently talking about losing her dog and I was reminded of it. I don’t know who wrote it, but 10 years ago, I had to put my dog down and our veterinarian gave it to me afterwards. If you’ve ever had a pet…

  • Hello darkness, my old friend: What’s your technique for persevering in difficult situations?

    Hello darkness, my old friend: What’s your technique for persevering in difficult situations?

    There are certain things in life you experience that cause you pain. For example… A well-known, well liked celebrity passes away, and it stirs up all kinds of emotional angst and introspection… A friend or business partner stabs you in the back or treats you unkindly and you feel betrayed… Someone in your immediate family…

  • Merchant Accounts: Avoid this one like the plague (actual story)

    Merchant Accounts: Avoid this one like the plague (actual story)

    I rarely make it a point to “slam” a company, but I recently had a terrible experience with a merchant account and I wanted to share it with you, so you can avoid this. I’ll also give you some background information about merchant accounts, in general, so you’re better equipped to find one, the next…

  • Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    Copywriting Tips – The “catch all” headline question you ought to be asking:

    There are really only three things to keep in mind, when writing headlines: 1. Try and arouse curiosity But this is pretty much a cardinal rule of initiating all kinds of conversations, isn’t it? It’s why asking a woman what her favorite drink is… works a lot better than asking her if she’s a democrat…

  • Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

    It never fails – adding premiums to your offers always increases conversions, and boosts your sales. The premium you use can be: 1. Directly related to your primary offer (your primary goods ands services): For instance, a phone case with your cell phone… Or a booklet about improving heart health when you’re selling vitamins… 2.…

  • How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    How to use good marketing to make your offers even stronger:

    Today we’ll talk about a clever marketing strategy you can use, that’ll make your offer look sweeter than it is, and allow you to sell much more. Basically, it positions your goods and services as a bargain compared to others. And when you’re giving your buyers a relative frame of reference you control, YOU wind…

  • Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Bonuses for tomorrow’s Re-Launch Announced:

    Tomorrow is the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, and here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting: There are two levels, Elite and Basic. Elite includes everything in the Basic Program, which comes with the following, all delivered to you in a private member site: * 7 training…

  • Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Now Open: Psychological Conversion Strategies – more bonuses added, ANOTHER $100 savings

    Psychological Conversion Strategies is now open. Besides all the bonuses I talked about yesterday – the Special Bonus Audio, the Conversion Strategies Checklist… and the 4 step-by-step Conversion Acceleration Videos… I’ve also: Lowered the price of Elite Program by ANOTHER $100… Plus, I’ve added in: A One on One Free USP / Lead-Getting Strategy Session…

  • Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Your goods and services are too expensive? Wrong question:

    Picking up where we left off on Saturday… people often think pricing their goods and services too high, kills conversions. And sure, when you’re selling commodity-types of products… sometimes this is true. But I’ve also been involved in selling consumer durables that normally sell for $110, and our average sale was $175… and another product…

  • Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Biggest conversion-killing mistakes you can make:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. This is a prelude to the relaunch of my flagship conversion program, Psychological Conversion Strategies, which will be available this coming Thursday at 10AM Estern Time. So, let’s get started: Mistake #1 Your Lead Generation Message Isn’t Congruent With What…

  • Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Writing bad, or muddles sales copy, is rarely the only marketing problem you’re going to have. Good sales copy alone, won’t typically be the only thing that saves you. More often than not, equal (or more) blame falls on your entire marketing process (or lack of one). Hand and hand with this, is the way…

  • 3 reasons why you won’t be successful in business:

    3 reasons why you won’t be successful in business:

    The other day I was at the grocery store walking by the bakery department, and I saw the machine that slices loaves of bread into slices. It made me think how, this is one of the few process technologies that hasn’t changed at all, since I was a little kid. But this is an aberration.…

  • 3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    3 Ways to talk to sales leads over the phone:

    The other night I had the opportunity to speak in front of a group of business owners, about a variety of things involving marketing, selling, and closing. Which, in reality, are the three most important “touch points” of customer or client flow, in your business. One of the issues that came up, is when you’re…

  • Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Shouldn’t this be against the law?

    Gosh, that’s a great subject line, isn’t it? Kind of hard to ignore something like that, isn’t it? How about this one: “If you knew the 3 proven secrets experts use to ____ , (finally getting rid of that belly, growing lush red roses, shaving at LEAST 5 strokes off your golf game, or whatever)”…

  • New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    Hope you had a great weekend. I was recently interviewed by John McIntyre, the Auto Responder Guy, on his well-known e-mail marketing podcast. The interview is now available and you can listen to it right here Feel free to leave any comments underneath today’s post below. Have a great week. Now go sell something, Craig…

  • Best definition of direct marketing, EVER:

    Best definition of direct marketing, EVER:

    Hey, this is nice and light for you, as we head into the weekend. I saw this posted somewhere on a marketing board a long time ago and I thought it’d give you a good laugh on this happy Friday. You see a hot woman at a party. You go up to her and say,…

  • How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    How Gillette gets a closer shave than you do:

    If you’re a man, and if you are also a sharp marketer, you probably already know what I’m about to tell you. But… If you are a woman, this information may give you some insight as to why men are so simple and how foolish we are. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the final scene of “The…

  • 50% Off HUGE Anniversary Sale – Day 2:

    50% Off HUGE Anniversary Sale – Day 2:

    Virtually everything listed here is on sale, HALF off: To save 50%, enter 20YRS (as in, I’ve been married for 20 years) in the Special Code field on the top, right-hand side of your shopping cart. Great values include (go here for the rest): 1. Sales Letter & Ad Copy Reviews – Improving your sales…

  • 50% Off Anniversary Sale Starts Now:

    50% Off Anniversary Sale Starts Now:

    Until midnight, this Saturday, we are running a HALF OFF Sale. Although it’s the 4th of July weekend, the sale is really to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary – something that’s really and truly worth celebrating. To get 50% off, enter 20YRS where it says “Special Code,” on the top, right-hand side of your shopping…

  • Announcement:


    Announcement: Well, 2 announcements, actually: 1. Starting tomorrow and through the end of the week, I will be having an Annive813rsary Blowout sale. You’ll be able to get 50% off virtually all my products listed here, under the Products tab on my website Stay tuned for details tomorrow morning. 2. Second, today is the LAST…

Got any book recommendations?