Month: March 2014

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    Seductive Selling Newsletter: I’m Sending You a Check, for $60

    This is pretty much the last few days to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, my offline newsletter which starts it’s 9th year of publication, next month. Please try a free copy, at our risk. Here’s a preview of what’s inside this month: – The fastest way to grow your swipe file…

  • Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    Direct Mail Postcard Marketing: How to maximize your response rates

    What to write when you don’t have a lot of space? I spent some time earlier this week putting together a medium-sized direct-mail postcard. And when you’re writing a piece like this, there is one particular problem you have, that ‘s common to New York City apartment-dwellers. Any idea what that problem is? Yep. You…

  • How to buy and sell websites?

    How to buy and sell websites?

    I just posted up a few new Offbeat Ads, so check ’em out here Also, if you are a “Domainer” – someone who buys and sells websites… or if you know someone who’s done this successfully… then listen up. I’d like to interview a Domainer, about how this process works, and then I will post…

  • How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    The other day, we talked about writing headlines and “when” is the best time to write them. Another question I get asked a lot, is “How many headlines should you write?” And frankly, I’m not sure this question is any more answerable than “How many kids should you have?” or “How many shots of tequila…

  • Overcoming adversity: The story of the stone and the Gold

    Overcoming adversity: The story of the stone and the Gold

    Before we get to today’s tip, which is a little story I want you to think about… just a quick “Thank you” if you were one of the people who ordered Psychological Conversion Strategies. I’ve left the sales letter up, in case you want to learn from it… but you will be unable to order.…

  • Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Closing tomorrow: (51% boost in response, 310% higher response ads included)

    Tomorrow is your last day to order Psychological Conversion Strategies, and get into the membership site: The Basic Program includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free trial to my Maximum Money Club… And the Elite…

  • Best time to start writing your sales letter headlines?

    Best time to start writing your sales letter headlines?

    Before we get started, let me just warn you: Psychological Conversion Strategies will no longer be available after Wednesday. You have two more days to order, and take advantage of all the bonuses: phone call, Conversion Strategy Checklists, Video Conversion Accelerator Critiques… and more ** I often get asked about the timing of the construction…

  • Closing Tuesday: Look inside Psychological Conversion Strategies

    Closing Tuesday: Look inside Psychological Conversion Strategies

    Psychological Conversion Strategies will be available until Tuesday at 11pm. Then it’s being pulled and you will not be able to get it anymore. Here’s what the inside of the Member Site looks like: To learn more, click here. Then, enjoy your weekend… Now go sell something, Craig Garber

  • Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    Still MORE Bonuses added for you, Opens 12 Noon today

    I’ve added still MORE bonuses for the Elite level for my new product which is coming out today at noon, called Psychological Conversion Strategies. Besides the Basic Program, which includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely…

  • More Bonuses added: Psychological Conversion Strategies

    More Bonuses added: Psychological Conversion Strategies

    I’ve decided to add another bonus to the Elite level for my new product which is coming out tomorrow, called Psychological Conversion Strategies. Besides the Basic Program, which includes: * 7 training Audios (4 1/2 hours, 9 Program Modules) * Transcripts of the Audios * A Summary Workbook with Implementation Exercises, and… * Completely Free…

  • Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Today, we’re going to talk about some more conversion strategies, as well as… Conversion-Killing Mistake #3: Your prospect has forgotten about you Prospects, and even existing customers and clients, are like your neighbors. If they don’t see you or hear from you on a regular basis, they’ll have absolutely no reason to think about you.…

  • Psychological Conversion Strategies

    Psychological Conversion Strategies

    What is Psychological Conversion Strategies? A lot of people have been sending in questions, wanting to know more about this program which is being released to my online e-mail list only, this Thursday at noon. I’ll give you more information between now and then, but for starters, here’s what’s in the Basic Program. You’ll get:…

  • Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Conversion Strategies Mistake #2: Your goods and services are too expensive

    Continuing from yesterday… here’s another Conversion-Killing Mistake people often make – pricing things too high. But I’ve got news for you: For the most part,the truth is… things being “too expensive” is a myth. And that’s because people buy what they WANT to buy, regardless of price. And especially here in America — even regardless…

  • Top 5 Secrets to converting leads into high-paying customer sales:

    Top 5 Secrets to converting leads into high-paying customer sales:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. And at the end of this little journey, we’ll be launching the first new product I’ve come out with in quite some time, and it’s directly related to conversions. It’s called Psychological Conversion Strategies, and it will be available next…

  • Best Resource I can recommend: Dropbox

    Best Resource I can recommend: Dropbox

    I don’t recommend too many tools, because most of them are over-hyped. However, I’d like to recommend a free tool I’ve been using that’s been incredibly helpful. It’s very popular and I’m sure you’ve heard of it – it’s called Dropbox. What makes Dropbox so cool… is it syncs files between all your computers, AND…

  • They say things happen for a reason – here’s the reason:

    They say things happen for a reason – here’s the reason:

    They say things happen ‘for a reason’ – here’s that reason: An American tourist on safari in the Sahara Desert, takes a wrong turn and becomes lost. After a long morning sweltering underneath the hot sun, he spots a man riding towards him, on a donkey. Turns out, the man’s a peddler. “Please help me,”…