Month: May 2014

  • 3 short news items before the weekend:

    3 short news items before the weekend:

    It’s been raining cats and dogs here every single afternoon, and I sure hope it stops for a few days. This is a great time of year to be living in western Florida – warm, but not too humid (yet). Before the weekend, I just have 3 short notices for you: 1. Tomorrow is the…

  • A Soap story

    A Soap story

    They say we’re all connected somehow, and sometimes I think this is true. Check this out. About 6 weeks ago, my wife and I went up to Epcot in Orlando, to meet some friends. While we were there, we stopped into Paris, and my wife was looking around the store, wanting to buy something for…

  • How I increased net cash flow by over 300% on one of my sales funnels:

    How I increased net cash flow by over 300% on one of my sales funnels:

    Here’s the deal: Last month we started our 9th year of publishing Seductive Selling, which is my monthly offline newsletter read in over 15 countries, world-wide. Here’s this month’s issue, where I reveal how I increased my net cash flow by over 300% on one of my funnels: Let me share a little bit of…

  • Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Really cool customer involvement device, increases conversions

    Last week I was having dinner with an old client of mine – very cool guy. He has a field service business – that’s where technicians go out into the field (in this case, homeowners), and fix their problems. Field service industries include things like plumbing, pest control, HVAC, and so on. So in his…

  • How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    How good copywriting can increase perceived value:

    Here’s how good copywriting can increase perceived value: Sometimes the trick to writing copy and selling in print, is to be very direct. But other times you need to take the opposite tactic and create a little excitement and mystery. You typically do this when you want to create favorable comparisons to what you’re selling.…

  • Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Secret formula to creating Irresistible Offers and Increasing Conversions

    Here’s a cool way to create irresistible offers, and to increasing conversions. One of the reasons why places like McDonalds and Taco Bell are so successful, is because of the perceived distance between the offer they are making you… and your investment in it. So for instance, you don’t have to be a White House…

  • How to make compelling offers:

    How to make compelling offers:

    First, a shout out to my son Nick, who just had a beautiful baby girl last night. Everyone’s healthy and we’re all grateful for that. Quick post today – I’m pretty buried with projects right now, and between them and my family commitments, I’m slammed here. Just to let you know, yesterday’s monthly Maximum Money…

  • How To Deal With Service Problems:

    How To Deal With Service Problems:

    Dealing with service problems is easier than you think – if you deal with them ahead of time. Here, check this out: All you can do, is the best you can do, right? Of course. We all make mistakes, screw up… and do things we regret. That’s just life, like it or not. And just…

  • Is this the DEATH of ALL relationships?

    Is this the DEATH of ALL relationships?

    For whatever reason – probably just inherent curiosity, mostly… I’m always trying to learn something. I’m always studying human behavior, asking questions, and just trying to put the pieces together. Sometimes, if you look and listen long and hard enough… things make sense. But other times, nothing seems to make sense. One thing I’ve been…

  • How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    How To Sell Benefits Of A Product or Service

    Today we’ll nail down selling product benefits, and make it nice and simple, as well. I’ve been in sales of one form or another, since 1989. And one thing that’s proven to be true, over and over again… is that no one likes to be sold anything. Yet, at the same time… nothing gets bought,…