Month: February 2014

  • How To Start A Sales Letter

    How To Start A Sales Letter

    Today we’ll talk about a How To Start A Sales Letter But first, a quick announcement to let you know my book, How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers, is now available on the iTunes Store, and you can get it here Now check this out. “You probably know, John Lennon was murdered by…

  • Winner: Psychological Conversion Strategies – up next!

    Winner: Psychological Conversion Strategies – up next!

    Some interesting results from last weeks survey. 1. The product voted most desired for me to bring out first, is… Psychological Conversion Strategies. I’m finishing it up now, and it won’t be long till it’s released, so stay put. 2. As to online or offline distribution… online delivery won by a hair: 60% of my…

  • LinkedIn Marketing Fails:

    LinkedIn Marketing Fails:

    Here are a few funny things I saw recently, on LinkedIn: 1. Does it count when you call yourself a visionary? I’m always impressed when someone refers to another person as a “visionary.” To me, that’s interesting. When you find a true “visionary”… someone who can actually conceptualize and anticipate things that are going to…

  • More new Offbeat Ads Posted

    More new Offbeat Ads Posted

    Just a few quick things today: 1. I’m going to be making a couple of live Q&A videos today, so if you have a question you want answered, about marketing, selling, writing copy or anything else business related… submit your question right here, ASAP 2. If you were one of the people who answered the…

  • Live on Video: How To Position Yourself As An Expert

    Live on Video: How To Position Yourself As An Expert

    Live Q & A Video inside: On today’s live Q&A video, I cover: How to easily position yourself as an expert… And, how to market to people from different cultures, who don’t speak English. If you have a question you want answered, about marketing, selling, writing copy or anything else business related… submit your question…

  • How to write a best-selling book, 11 years after you write it:

    How to write a best-selling book, 11 years after you write it:

    Here’s an unusual – but effective way of writing a best-selling book: Ever wonder what happens to a book when it dies? One quick admin things, and then a cool story: I you haven’t already done it, please complete this important survey, and thanks in advance for doing this. Now, remember the other day we…

  • Take this important Google Survey right now:

    Take this important Google Survey right now:

    Did you know, you can now make online surveys using Google? It’s true. I just finished putting my first one together, and I’m hoping you can take two minutes of your time to look at it and answer the few questions on it. Plus, you’ll also get to determine the next product I release! Just…

  • Back-end sales and how to profit from them:

    Back-end sales and how to profit from them:

    Let’s talk about why the back-end of your business, is generally the most profitable part of it. Long one today, but bear with me. You might learn something 🙂 Let’s talk about getting “back-end” sales and why they’re so important. We’re going to talk about 3 things: 1. What is a “back-end” sale? 2. Examples of…

  • How to sell to women:

    How to sell to women:

    Here’s how to sell to women, and what women know that you don’t: Last week, I happened to pick up a copy of a magazine called ShopSmart. Apparently, it’s a sister publication to Consumer Reports, only it’s geared towards women. Like Consumer Reports, it provides independent reviews about products and it doesn’t accept advertisements or…

  • 3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    3 Ways To Destroy Your Credibility

    Here’s how to destroy your credibility: About a week ago, I was looking through a sales letter online. It was someone selling “How To” information. The guy who wrote the letter took a very strong position about how he wasn’t like everyone else. In fact, this was his entire platform as far as his differential…

  • Copywriting tips: You don’t have to be Jewish, to love Levy’s, do you?

    Copywriting tips: You don’t have to be Jewish, to love Levy’s, do you?

    Copywriting tips. they were all over the place. Plastered across the walls on subway stations all over Manhattan and The Bronx. Inside the trains themselves. Smiling American Indian men, smiling at you from behind the glass inside bus stops. Little Asian boys looking down at you while riding the #6 train to school. These posters…