Month: June 2014

  • Announcement:


    Announcement: Well, 2 announcements, actually: 1. Starting tomorrow and through the end of the week, I will be having an Annive813rsary Blowout sale. You’ll be able to get 50% off virtually all my products listed here, under the Products tab on my website Stay tuned for details tomorrow morning. 2. Second, today is the LAST…

  • Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    Do you know what the most important element of scarcity is?

    As you probably know, having some kind of scarcity attached to your offer, is one of the most compelling ways to get people to buy now. But what’s the best kind of scarcity? Is it a limited number of items? A special bonus for ordering early? Or maybe it’s a discount for the first 10…

  • Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Replay ends TODAY, new Offbeat ads posted:

    Couple quickies for this beautiful Monday morning: 1. Today’s the last day you can check out the replay of Dan Lok’s webinar from last week. The replay is right here and will be up through the end of today. If you missed it, this was a truly unique way of running your consulting business, with…

  • Sometimes it’s good to get away

    Sometimes it’s good to get away

    I hope you had a great weekend, and if you celebrated Father’s Day, I hope it was an enjoyable one for you. Mine was thoroughly relaxing, a great Sunday for sure. One of the things I did, was I booked us a holiday – time to get away for a few days. I love going…

  • Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Copywriting tip – How to use analogies to boost sales:

    Here’s how to use analogies to boost sales: Clients often ask me how to write analogies. After all, a good analogy can do many things: 1. It clarifies something by giving your buyer a comfortable reference point… 2. It usually injects some humanity and personality into your writing… 3. It’s a very non-threatening, non-salesy way…

  • 3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail:

    3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail:

    Today, 3 Reasons why conventional ads consistently fail. But before we get started… just to let you know – the June Max Money Club Open Q& A call is this Thursday at 1pm EST If you want to get on the call, you can do it, for free right here – but hurry there’s only…

  • Writing goodbye?

    Writing goodbye?

    One quick admin thing to deal with. I’m going to make a Q & A video or two over the weekend, so if you have any good marketing, copywriting or strategy questions you want me to answer,send them in to me by submitting them right here. I read a short, interesting article the other day,…

  • 5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    5 Ways to determine the right pricing strategy:

    When you’re selling personal services and non-commoditized products, pricing strategy is always an issue. In fact, whenever there really isn’t an accessible, public marketplace for something, pricing can be challenging. Today, let’s talk about 5 different things you should consider, to determine price: 1. Your costs, and your tolerance and timeframe for profits One of…

  • A simple reminder about who you do business with:

    A simple reminder about who you do business with:

    Hey, before I forget… watch this short, moving video my wife showed me over the weekend – it’s a perfect way to start off your week. OK, great… now let’s move on: There’s an old saying, “The cobbler’s kids never have any shoes.” And it basically means that often, people will neglect the very thing…