Sometimes it’s good to get away

I hope you had a great weekend, and if you celebrated Father’s Day, I hope it was an enjoyable one for you.

Mine was thoroughly relaxing, a great Sunday for sure.

One of the things I did, was I booked us a holiday – time to get away for a few days.

I love going to new places. It’s very refreshing to be looking at the world from a different vantage point. When you do this, you usually don’t see things the same way.

You know what I mean?

Since your mind and your actual visual perspective are different, your thoughts on the same subjects also tend to be different.

And it works the same way in business.

The solution to getting out of a problem, or getting out of your own way is often just looking at that same problem from a different vantage point.

This is one of the reasons outsiders like consultants are often able to find solutions that seem to be really easy… yet you may not have found these solutions on your own.

Their vantage point is different.

So how about you?

Special Report – 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them:



Are you consistently looking at your business from different vantage points? Most important – from your customers and clients points of view?

And even more important, are you looking OUTSIDE your business for new ideas, trends, and ways to market your business?

For example, purchasing goods and services from your competitors is one of the most basic things you can do, to get new ideas for upselling… cross-selling… and back-end products. And even for new business models – something very important in today’s day and age, where efficiency means everything.

Investing your time and money in this incredibly easy way of “spying” on your competition, is a sure-fire way of keeping you on your toes… of staying “hungry”… and sometimes, just making sure you aren’t overlooking anything or doing anything stupid.

Because you really DO see things differently when you’re on the outside looking in.

Have a great week.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Free: 12 Special Reports – download ’em now

get How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers:

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listening to:
Troublemaker – Crippled Black Phoenix (2010)




