Month: July 2012

  • Business Planning Mistakes: Why?

    Business Planning Mistakes: Why?

    when you first get into business, your number one concern is to get paid. you believe “finding opportunity” is going to be your greatest challenge, and so you pretty much say “yes” to every opportunity you uncover, that can make you a few bucks. then, after a while, you suddenly come to the realization that……

  • How to charge high prices: 3 Ways to charge more by showing you're offering "high quality"

    if you want to sell high-priced items, then you have to show “high quality.” and that’s because price is only a problem in the absence of value.  meaning, people don’t have a problem spending a lot of money on something, as long as they see the value in it so here are three things you…

  • facebook marketing: what NOT to do

    Drew Olanoff from the, wrote a great piece on facebook marketing, that I wanted to share with you. Check it out: *********** Completely eliminates practically every business obstacle that’s in your way Take this simple 3-question quiz and see if you qualify *********** And by the way, you can find the original article here:…

  • Lead Generation Marketing: Free teleseminar – 11 Most Common And Costly Lead Generation Mistakes

    Pay attention, this takes place this Thursday night from 8-9:30PM Eastern Standard time. There are 3 things I can truly lay claim to: One, writing one of the best direct-marketing strategy books published in the last 75 years, How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers. Two, marrying a woman much better looking than I…

  • On trust: How to answer the question, "Should I work with that guy or not?"

    Interesting article in the New York Times recently, about how to trust a financial planner, right here: As you may know, I graduated college and became a CPA, and then got into sales.  My last sales job I held was as a financial planner working for a national firm, and then I left to…

  • Direct-Marketing Strategies: Hooray, you found a market — now what's next?

    I have to be honest about something — I had such a relaxing weekend, it was difficult getting started today. Plus, it’s the summer time and my daughter’s home from school — so it doesn’t feel like “work” mode, if you know what I mean. Well, better late than never — I’m finally up and…

  • Lead Generation Marketing: 4 Things about acquiring new leads online

    Some interesting data released by one of the larger ad networks, recently: *********** Free for existing customers and clients only (Including amazon book sales): *********** Check it out, right here — who’s searching for what: Some interesting stats to take note of: 1.  If you’re a restaurant, financial service, auto repair, real estate…

  • How to increase your sales: How to leverage technology – A picture is worth (you know the rest)

    I think technology is great, and it makes our lives much easier.  But I LOVE seeing technology that actually increases sales. For instance… *********** Free Strategy Session Reveals: How the Marketing Efficiency Index rapidly accelerates your net profits Limited number of strategy sessions now available for current or prior customers and clients ONLY (Including…