Month: June 2012

  • Copywriting tips – A POWERFUL short-cut to creating sales messages

    Since it’s Friday and since I just got back in town after a few days, today’s message is going to be short… and sweet: *********** Free Strategy Session! Limited number of strategy sessions now available for current or prior customers and clients (Including book sales) Apply for yours right here *********** For most people,…

  • Why people buy, why customers and clients respond… and why they don't:

    Wow, we had so much rain here over the last few days, it’s incredible. My lake has gone up close to 24 inches in the last four days alone!  There was a tornado watch here, and I must admit, while the wind wasn’t anywhere nearly as bad as I thought it would be… the rain…

  • Copywriting Tips: How to write an order form – 5 things you MUST include:

    New pop-culture feature for curiosity-seekers: I listen to music almost all day long.  and for the last 7 years in my offline newsletter, Seductive Selling, I’ve included the particular music i’m listening to when I’m writing the newsletter.  so from now on, at the very bottom of my e-mails, i’m going to list the particular…

  • How To Increase Your Productivity: GREAT Free Tool

    Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve been using a simple tool that’s had a tremendous impact on my productivity, and I wanted to pass it along to you. It’s called the Pomodoro technique, and it’s incredibly easy to use. In fact, it’s simplicity is what makes it so effective. I’m going to give…

  • How to say "No" and choose better opportunities:

    In the beginning, when you first get started working for yourself, your primary sense of urgency is to support yourself. So you chase the dollar, and if you’re ambitious and aggressive, you chase it hard and fast, and far and wide. And if you’re like this, it doesn’t take too long for you to realize,…

  • How To Generate Leads: Brand new LIVE Radio interview just posted!

    Hey I was just interviewed earlier this week, LIVE! on Michigan Business Network Radio, and I’ve posted the interview for you to listen to. It’s always funny when you listen to yourself on a recording — my voice never sounds the way I think it sounds as it’s coming out of my mouth. Anyway, I…

  • Niche marketing: Pimples, new markets and how to pop – I mean tap – them

    Before I get started, I’ll be launching my new Maximum Money Club soon, so pay attention, because only a limited number of people will be allowed into the club when it opens.  And, it will NOT be open all the time — I’m thinking 6 times a year is what makes sense. Now let’s talk…

  • TSA Stupidity: Humiliated

    Ramblings from my trip to California last week, where I was speaking at a trade show. 6:25am: Me: “Oh good, it’s not too busy this morning.” TSA Agent checking my ID: “Don’t jinx me…” Me: “OK, well in that case, I hope it stays nice and slow for you today” TSA:  “Actually I prefer it…