Month: February 2013

  • Testimonial letters — what to do and what to never EVER do

    Testimonial letters — what to do and what to never EVER do

    People often ask me what the best kinds of testimonial letters should say, and the answer is actually quite simple. Good testimonial letters should be like verbal “snapshots” of the difference between what your life looked like BEFORE you used the product or service, and what it’s like right now, AFTER you’ve used whatever it…

  • Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Direct Mail Sales: 3 most often overlooked, simple direct mail sales strategies

    Making money using direct mail isn’t easy. BUT… it’s also not as hard as you think it is, simply because not a lot of people are using direct mail. And once you make it work, you get to tap into a steady stream of very qualified new leads, in addition to whatever business you’re getting,…

  • Permission e-mail marketing: Ignoring all the haters

    Permission e-mail marketing: Ignoring all the haters

    Believing something, without thinking things through… is dangerous. And here’s why: I recently read some survey results, and if you took what you read at face value, it might cost you a small fortune. Here’s what happened. The survey said, 75% of all consumers will dislike a brand after they blast them with e-mails. Now…

  • Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising

    Ethics in advertising probably isn’t something you think about very much. And the truth is, I don’t think there’s an ad man out there who hasn’t been challenged by this topic at one time or another. Why? Because ethics in advertising is kind of like pollen. Some people are highly allergic to it, and will…

  • Cool Customer Engagement Strategy

    Cool Customer Engagement Strategy

    Before we go any further, see if you know the correct answers to any of these 3 questions, and then we’ll talk about a very cool customer engagement strategy: 1. What’s the most important part of your sales letter, display ad or website? 2. If you had to choose between using direct mail or a…

  • LOADS of Offbeat Ad updates:

    LOADS of Offbeat Ad updates:

    I have to tell you… yesterday, the weather here was virtually perfect. It was odd, because the night before, we had the heat on, it was so cold. (61 degrees — yes, go ahead and laugh at how my New York City blood has become used to Florida) But during the day, it warmed up…