Month: October 2012

  • How to be loved when you need it most

    How to be loved when you need it most

    I think I mentioned last week, my workload has been extremely heavy, lately. Between copywriting projects I have in the hopper… and a few different new, outside projects of my own — my free time’s been a little limited. And besides going to the gym, I haven’t really been doing much else, outside of work…

  • Copywriting Tips: 3 Ways to edit your copy AND say more (get rid of the garbage)

    Copywriting Tips: 3 Ways to edit your copy AND say more (get rid of the garbage)

    Most people spend far too much time thinking about, “Should I write more or should I write less?” Or… “Long copy versus short copy?” This is a completely irrelevant question. It’s like asking, “How much time should I spend working out?” In all three of these cases, you’re asking the wrong question. WHAT you do…

  • Marketplace Positioning: How to create your own unique differential

    Marketplace Positioning: How to create your own unique differential

    First, some administrative things: Sorry my updates haven’t been very frequent.  if you’ve been with me for a while, then you know his is actually quite unusual for me. The truth is, I’m just VERY busy.  I have a few copywriting projects I’m working on… a couple of nice outside new business projects… and believe…

  • Making sale offers – What’s "missing" in Starbucks’ recent sale offer

    Making sale offers – What’s "missing" in Starbucks’ recent sale offer

    This morning, I got an e-mail from Starbucks with an offer, and I wanted to discuss it with you, because I can’t help but get the feeling something’s “missing” here. The offer said: *********** ATTENTION:  Current and prior customers & clients, ONLY *********** “Add a wholesome, savory breakfast to your day – and get one…