Writing Sales Letters: Hard writing rules to follow

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they’re writing sales letters, is thinking everything has to come out the way it’s going to end up.

This makes no more sense than thinking what’s in your mixing bowl is what it’s going to look like when it’s on your table.

Writing, like food… has to age and be prepared properly, before you can consume it.

And in writing, this preparation process is called editing.

Editing is what takes the most time, same as cooking and food prep does.  It only takes a few seconds to combine all the ingredients you need to make the cake.  But to PREPARE the cake… and decorate and present it the way you want to… that’s where you sow your oats, right?

For sure.

So let me share a little secret with you.  Since the pain is in the process — just like cooking… the legal system… and divorce — throw your ingredients together quickly.

Write like your hand is on fire.  Type as fast as you can and toss down everything that comes out of your mind.

The time to clean things up is always in the editing.  You are far better off having a lot to work with in the editing, than having little to work with.

The same way it’s easier to make two great meals when you’re starting out with enough food for three… you’re going to have a MUCH better sales letter when you’re starting out with enough fodder for two sales letters to begin with.

Write hard, write fast, write now.  Edit slow… and smooth.

Simple as that.

Now go sell something,  Craig Garber

P.S.  Uncover every copywriting secrets you’ll ever need in Chapter 23, “How To Write A Sales Letter That Sells: All The Copywriting Secrets You Ever Wanted To Know… But Were Afraid To Ask!”

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