pay attention: only TWO days left to take this free trial

This month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter is a special issue – if you’ve ever felt like the inmates are running the asylum in your life, then you simply MUST take the free 30-day test drive and get your hands on it.  This month’s issue, which will be gone in two more days, includes all this and more:

Called “A Little Humor For Starters,” inside you’ll find:

*  8 Live marketing examples and ad critiques

*  An unconventional full page ad anyone can use, to hire employees.  This is a slam-dunk way of weeding out the good… from the bad — BEFORE they get to you and waste your time!

*  How to write a perfect headline (on page 2)

*  How to use ‘takeaway’ selling!  Remember, nothing is more powerful at making something more appealing than taking it away from someone.

*  How to make your product or service ‘real’ by breathing life into it.  Most people foolishly think saying something like, “Imagine what you’d do with an extra $10,000,” is how you do this.  But this dead wrong, and it’s why most sales letters aren’t very effective.  Discover the right way to do this, or miss out on one of THE most effective money-making techniques you can use.

*  How to validate your buyer’s decision to order, and remove pre-purchase “buyer’s remorse.”  Sometimes prospects need your permission to move forward — here’s how to give it to them.

*  Part of being real means exposing your flaws.  On page 3 you’ll see how to do this and why it’s so important

*  How to qualify your buyers by letting them know who should, and… who shouldn’t order!

*  An example of a lead generation ad that’s non-threatening and isn’t ‘selling’ anything!  (Note that ‘soft selling’ like this, is the most effective way of getting people to do something.)

*  How to reduce refunds and charge top-dollar!  Check out this important strategy on page 5!

*  In this month’s Q & A Article, we cover:

*  How to dramatically enhance your positioning with prospects!  Being top dog isn’t only important in establishing relationship boundaries, it’s also important if you want to charge top-dollar, so pay VERY close attention to this.

*  Another key to positioning is being a problem-solver and not a sales person.  We’ll uncover several ways you can do this — both online and offline.

*  If you’re in the service business, you’ll discover the cornerstone concept behind why attracting clients (as opposed to chasing them down) changes your business, and therefore your life.

*  In this month’s Weekend Update News Column, you’ll:

Discover THE best niche to work in, world-wide!

*  How supermarkets lure you in using very sneaky (yet incredibly strategic) tactics that get you to buy a LOT more than you want to.  (Read this especially if you want to avoid wasting money the next time you’re at the grocery store!)

*  And in Final Words From The Back-End editorial, you’ll discover “7 Ways To Outlast (And Outsmart) Whatever’s Left Of The Recession,” including…

*  Don’t jump too quickly

*  Look for the layups

*  Don’t reinvent the wheel…

*  And how to avoid spending yourself into a coma!

On top of all this, this month’s Audio Success CD Interview features an hour of one-on-one with the inventor of an exciting new media!  If you sell to consumers then you’ve GOT to listen to this because it offers you a little-known cost-effective way of reaching THOUSANDS of highly-targeted buyers!

Get all this, along with 18 Audios, CDs, DVDs, free marketing critiques, and more, when you take your free test-drive of Seductive Selling, now.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  Here’s why Seductive Selling is now read in 14 countries world-wide, in it’s fifth year of publication:

“I just wanted to mention the CD programs have been outstanding and educational.  I really enjoyed “How to Crush Your Competition on Google in 90 days or less.”  The CD gave me 6 or 7 workable ideas that will start generating me business right away.  One tip alone, opened up huge opportunities to build quality content and links not only on my site but all over the web.  That tip was worth the entire year of my subscription.

I also very much enjoyed the Soil Doctor CD.  It was very inspirational to hear a guy in the most boring business in the world rapidly expand his business and profits by following your teachings.

As I mentioned before, I wrote a sales letter found on my website that drives 90% of my new business.  I couldn’t have done it without studying your newsletters and other products.

You are giving me actionable, profitable ideas every month.  While I have no idea what the heck your talking about when describing your musical tastes, I get you loud and clear on the marketing.”

David Lowery – Tampa, Florida

Test-drive Seductive Selling free, for 30 days.






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