Lead Generation Marketing – FINAL day: now accepting 2-pay on $500 Off 10th Anniversary Sale

Today is the last day you get to learn how to generate qualified leads and write a long form sales letter… by slashing $500 off my Lead Generation Explosion System.  And now you can get this program in 2 EZ installments — but this sale ends, without exception, tonight.

This program includes the COMPLETE marketing campaign I created, that pulled an unheard of 42.7% Lead Generation Response, when mailed out to a cold list, by a newbie.

I walk you through absolutely EVERY aspect of this campaign, step-by-step – including the creation of the marketing pieces themselves (psychological buying triggers, marketing strategies, and copy), and the pre- and post-marketing follow-up pieces that made it such an incredible success: $152,571 worth of merchandise and services were sold on the newbie’s first teleseminar, using this program.  You’ll even see how I advised him to present his material on his call, which is how he generated all these sales.

It is also the only program out there, which teaches you, step-by-step, how to write a long-form sales letter.  I share the exact same strategies I use to write my own sales letters, starting with the headlines and ending with a P.S.  You get a series of Audios where I go through this writing process in plain and simple English.  And you get the transcripts of these audios, as well.

Plus, there is a ton of other information inside, which is all revealed here.

As I said, you only have until tonight to get your hands on my Lead Generation Explosion program for $500 off the regular price of $997.  And on top of this, you also get the following FIVE bonuses:

1.  An actual 28 page FREE Report / Long form sales letter I wrote, that pulled a 6-to-1 ROI in an absolutely dismal marketplace! (I was paid $15,000 to write this letter, several years ago — how many different aspects of marketing and copywriting do you think you’re going to get out of this one letter, alone?)

2.  7 (Yes, Seven!) Audio CDs containing over 6 hours of marketing and copywriting strategies, from interviews I recently gave.  These CDs have NOT been released to anyone else yet. (Value: $47 x 7 = $329)

3.  2 Audio CD’s of a recent monthly “Mavericks Group” call.  The Mavericks Group is one of my two remaining coaching groups, and members pay $299 a month to belong to this group.  You’ll receive one month of this coaching, free, with no commitment to join anything, at all.  It’s yours as part of this one-time only Special 10th Anniversary Offer.

4.  A 90-minute Teleseminar where you can ask me ANY questions about your marketing, or about any lead generation campaign you are working on, or about copywriting, or anything else you want.  This call takes place on Thursday, July 29th, from 12 noon – 1:30 PM Eastern time. (Value: $1,400 based on my daily consulting rate of $7,500!)

5.  The Audio CD-Recordings of this teleseminar, in case you can’t make the call.  This way, you can listen to the information and advice I give you, whenever you need to hear it and whenever you are looking to make more money! (Value: $197)

These 5 bonuses alone, at $2,225 in value, are worth well over the investment in the program itself.  And here’s just one example of the many unsolicited comments people have made about this program:

“I’ve been very satisfied with previous products I’ve bought from you. So I bought Lead Generation Explosion knowing I’d get a good product. I was wrong, I got much more than expected. You give a complete campaign, with examples and multi media templates!  (All with first class copy, of course).

And there was even more.  You gave behind-the-scenes info, & explanations of the reasons why things are set up certain ways in the campaign. The explanations multiply the value of this system.  I’m getting specific info on what to do, and why I’m doing it.  This info is going to boost/improve several of things that I’m attempting in my marketing.

You don’t need to be a professional accountant (I am) to know that ROI is going to be off the chart. GREAT system!” Hervé Bony – North Miami, FL

When you order now, you’ll have enough time to go through all the material, and then ask me any questions you want about how to best apply it, on our call July 29th.

I have literally NEVER given away this much information, at such a great deal.

But what’s happening, is… this is turning out to be one of my best years ever, business-wise, and so I figured since it’s my 10th Anniversary in direct-marketing, why not share this good fortune with you?

Grab this now – I promise you this savings and program will NEVER be offered again.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  Here’s another comment about Lead Generation Explosion:

“Hi Craig, First off let me just say I love your products and your attitude. While I read and subscribe to many of the “gurus” out there. Yours are the only products I buy and KNOW that I’m going to get my moneys worth every time.

As a new customer of your Lead Generation Explosion System, I thought I’d share with you….. “How NOT to handle your first postcard mailing!”   You see, I had a total flop postcard that I mailed just last month (5000 pieces = 1 phone call) for a way beyond pathetic .0002% response rate.

In fact, the results of the mailing were so bad I almost lost confidence in myself AND interest in the business idea altogether.  It was like watching the grand gates of hope slam shut on my dreams yet again…. But, I knew the postcard had a lot of flaws….. -loosely targeted list -complex/new real estate service idea -attempted to get the prospect to buy on the strength of the postcard alone–not generate a lead -more feature than benefit oriented, etc).

I did use some emotional hot buttons in a short letter to the prospect on the front and I figured even with all the warts mentioned above I could at least recoup the costs of the printing, list and mailing (about $2300)……… Boy was I ever wrong….

But you know, it’s funny how in that moment where despair and depression settled in on that miserable day I realized my postcard was going to be a monumental, total and complete failure (Monday August 13th) I received an email from you announcing your “Lead Generation Explosion”. I eagerly ordered it awaiting what I knew would provide me with at least some of the answers I was looking for.

Fast forward to today (August 23). I’ve read it through beginning to end and I’m almost done with all of the audio cd’s (already watched the dvds).  I love the way you walk through the creation of the pieces on the dvds and explain the why and how behind everything you did AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY the fact that it offers a virtual lead generation “success” template in a box. I’m going to try another postcard mailing (albeit handled a little differently thanks to “Lead Generation Explosion”).

Well the time has come and I’ve got to run. My best to you, your family and your business.  Onward and Upward, Erik Johnson – Newark, CA

You only have until tomorrow to take advantage of this 10th Anniversary special and slash $500 off this program.  Order here, now:  http://kingofcopy.com/save500






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