ONLY two days left to get at this, here's what you're missing:

Only two days left to get 18 free (real and genuine) gifts and take your free test-drive of this month’s issue of Seductive Selling!  Here’s what Mitch Dominguez, from New York City has to say about Seductive Selling:

“Craig, your Seductive Selling Newsletter is my absolute fave of the sales/mktg. material that comes into my mailbox. Yesterday I see the envelope with your photo. Me thinks, Hurray for the bald guy, me too, very bald!  Sometime ago I decided to take your council and make a truly outrageous offer to certain folks on a very teeny tiny mailing list. $21,850 Dollars later and I owe at least 80% of this to you. You have increased my business and opened up more “sales funnels than I can accommodate. I bow to the MASTER!!! I’ve only been working with the general public for about 10 months, but that’s another tale.”  Mitch Dominguez – New York City

And here’s just some of what you’re missing in this issue, which is called ‘Booty-licious?’ but not for the reasons you’re probably thinking.  Here’s what’s inside:

*  A little-known problem marketing new products, virtually no one ever stops and considers (on page 1)

*  FOUR ways any one man or woman can compete successfully with Larger and more established companies.   (Reason number three can, and should be used by everyone who runs a business, regardless of what kind of business you own, and no matter how big or small it is.)

*  How to specialize and take your business to a niche marketplace, or… to a niche within a niche.  In this article we cover:

*  Positioning…

*  Media placement…

*  Different aspects and ways of niching…

*  How to test different ads, and what media to test first…

*  How To Create your headlines and how to adapt them to different demographics…

*  How to create appeals that work…

*  Ordering strategies: which ones to use and which ones NOT to…

*  How to use your research and what research to use, to credentialize yourself…

*  Important sales copy subtleties that make most guarantees useless to your prospects because of human nature and human psychology…

*  All this, and much more, including:

*  9 (yes, NINE) real live ads analyzed and critiqued this month, including one I wrote to sell a set of DVDs in a space ad.

*  How to create niche marketing with little modifications to your existing marketing pieces.  This is the fastest way to penetrate new markets without having to re-invent the wheel.

*  18 Different demographics to dive into!

*  11 Different affinity markets you can pursue!

*  And in this month’s Classic Ad Review, you’ll see some very smooth to overcome objections, that give you incredibly strong positioning, from a biz-op ad written in the early 1900’s.  I’ll even show you how I adapted this ad to one of my own niche industries I worked in.

*  How to create dramatic response differences using specifics, including a direct example for you to see.

*  In this month’s Q & A column, we cover “How to build a cold list, starting from scratch.”  In this article, I reveal:

*  5 Very common things most people just naturally go ahead and do, that you should actually absolutely NEVER do, and…

*  4 Proven strategies you should instead JUMP on, right away!

*  In this month’s Weekend Update News column, we’ll talk about the shrinking media markets out there, how to live to be 100, FTC Crackdowns, new industry fees you’re going to have to deal with, scams to beware of, and Cool URL’s for you to use.

*  And in what is probably one of the funniest Back-End columns I’ve ever written, you’ll get more than a mouthful from me about 8 of my biggest current ‘pet peeves,’ and why you need to be very very careful out there in today’s crazy world.

*  This month’s interview is with one of the most energetic people I’ve spoken to in a while, Samir Husni who’s also known as ‘Mr. Magazine.’

Samir discusses the three marketing ships you cross over on… the difference between publishers who create “one night stands,” versus long-term romantic relationships… and the Welfare Information Society we have created.

Take a free test-drive of Seductive Selling and get all this and more, right now.  There’s a reason why people in over 14 countries read Seductive Selling, and there’s a reason why over 1,113 people have been reading Seductive Selling going on FIVE years now!

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  Get TWO FREE issues of Seductive Selling (now read in 14 countries world-wide), along with 18 free (REAL) gifts that get you more leads and give you literally dozens of easy to use, breakthrough new marketing strategies.  See all 18 of these goodies right here on this video!






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