Sample "Stick" Letter

Have you ever bought something and gotten treated so well by the seller, you just "knew" you made the right decision to buy in the first place?

That's what a stick letter does -- it gives your buyer post-purchase reassurance.

In a nutshell, a stick letter is a basically a thank you "plus" letter. 

Let me explain:  After you make a sale, the first thing you should be doing is thanking all your customers.

The stick letter is a thank you letter, "plus" something else.  Usually it's a free gift that:

  1. Your customer was not expecting to get... and...
  2. Is related to what you just sold your customer.  It should make it easier to use whatever it is they just purchased... enhancing the value of their package even more, and...
  3. It makes your customer feel greatful for being treated so well (since almost nobody else is doing that).

You see, the real purpose of the stick letter is to make your order "stick", reducing the total amount of refunds you have to give out.

And do you know the very best way to make this happen?


The best way to make your orders stick is by...

Under-Promising And Over-Delivering!

Remember when I told you about being the "bright ray of sunshine everyone is so desperately seeking", when we were talking about writing sales letters?

Well, using stick letters is another way you can start becoming that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed illuminating ray of sunshine your customers are starving for!


So use a stick letter in every promotion you run - it'll reduce your refunds by making your customers more satisfied than they were expecting to be, and you'll feel good because you're treating your customers light-years better than any of your competition is.


I just want to emphasize something.  Regardless of how much you're giving away in your stick letter, and in your sales promotions, always remember this:  No amount of bribery is going to reduce your refunds if you're selling something that's garbage!

Listen, it's a jungle out there!  Don't EVER... EVER skimp on the quality of what you're selling.

And never ever lie in your marketing or make claims that aren't true.

No amount of good copy can prevent refunds and the ultimate failure of your business venture, if you've got shoddy products... poor ethics... and bad business practices.

Oh, one more thing about stick letters, and it's important:  Stick letters are also a great place to start introducing your back-end products.

If you don't know what "back-end" products are, then just keep reading my "Tip Of The Week" and search through the "Tip Of The Week Archives".  You're bound to learn something about "back-ends" sometime soon.

Here's a stick letter for you to check out.  It was sent out immediately after the order was filled (after the credit card was charged).

If you want to download and print out this stick letter, you'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you can get it for FREE by clicking here.

Next, click here or on the letter below, and a new browser window will open up with the full letter in a PDF file format.

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