Book An Hour of Telephone Consulting With Craig

It’s so profitable… and so easy… it’s almost like "magic!"

Your Business Is At Least TWICE As Profitable As You Think!
Give me 60 minutes and I will prove this to you

How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers  

Dear Friend,

It’s true!

If you want to short-cut years of frustration and anxiety, and instead make almost immediate gains in your business using proven marketing "shortcuts" you will have NO WAY of ever knowing otherwise, then this is the most exciting and important message you will ever read!

In a nutshell, here’s the deal:  Since March of 2000, I’ve worked with over 300 clients in more than 87 different industries, and this has given me a GREAT education.

Literally the very quickest way to get "un-stuck" and take your business to the next level, is to let me pinpoint exactly what’s going on that’s holding you back in your marketing strategy.

In a nutshell, I will show you how to apply the strategies revealed inside my book, "How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers," to YOUR business. After all, that’s what being in business is all about — making maximum money, right?

Of course.

So if you want marketing and sales copy strategy and consulting that uncovers these secrets, then please listen very closely to what I’m about to say.

But first, here’s a "sense" of the kind of things you’ll be able to accomplish by working with me:

Sam Georgiou

"Hi Craig, Thank you so much for sharing your insights with me yesterday. You instantly had a grasp of my business and gave me several immediately usable and implementable ideas. I really appreciate your candor and straight forward talk. Warmest Regards," Sam Georgiou – Baltimore, MD


Martin Howey

"In nearly 40 years of consulting with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations, and training hundreds of consultants around the world, I’ve either seen it or heard it all.

But in one short conversation with Craig Garber, he shared more real, practical… and most importantly, useable ideas on how to position, market and grow a business than any three of the most recognizable “gurus” in the business.

Craig is not only an extremely talented copywriter, he has a unique ability to deliver creative solutions to some of business’s biggest challenges in a way that produces quantifiable results.”  Martin Howey – Phoenix, Arizona

See, a lot of people think they "know" me, because they subscribe to my daily marketing newsletter.  I seem like a fun-loving guy who’s easy to talk to — the kind of guy you can go and have a beer with, or whatever.

And even though all that’s true, one thing you find out REAL FAST, once you start dealing with me one-on-one, is that when it comes to copywriting and marketing… and when it comes to your business… and when it comes to my time, and my scheduling… I am…

Very Serious About What I Do!

Here, listen to what this niche consultant had to say, to get a feel for what I’m talking about and exactly where I’m coming from, when it comes to my work ethic and my craft:

Marty Crawn

"I viewed Craig as a very talented copywriter and direct response marketer based upon his work samples and our previous conversations.

I understood and appreciated his current workload and strict time table, but I gained the impression initially that my client was just another "number" as a result.  I received the impression that Craig was doing us a "favor" by fitting us into his schedule, which I wasn’t overly thrilled about.

However, this all changed later
(and I’ll tell you in just a minute "how" it changed).

My expectations were exceeded, as Craig provided my client with detailed feedback on what, why, and how he was doing something that negatively affected his business and his sales.  Furthermore, Craig’s creative business model, marketing, and product delivery concepts were excellent, and will prove quite profitable for my client once implemented.

Also, my prior concerns about feeling as if we were "bothering" him by requesting his services, had dissolved within the first 15 minutes of the consultation.  Craig was very professional, and built solid rapport with both myself and my client.  His insight today strengthened our confidence in his ability to grow my client’s business and sales revenue two-fold… at least. 😉

I would definitely recommend Craig to other clients of mine, assuming they could afford his service rate.

Craig appears to be rather expensive from an "upfront" point of view, but is quite affordable from a total ROI point of view.

His tell-it-like-it-is style is quite refreshing, and will ultimately help my client put components in place that will yield solid, profitable results – no doubt.

I especially like his offline newsletter concept, as it will help build perceived value and strengthen my client’s relationship with his audience (thus lead to more sales and revenue).  The high-value bundled bonus package concept was "killer" as well, as it should help increase conversion rates and overall perceived value.

He understands my client’s target market extremely well, as he has a strong background in the financial services market himself.  This allowed Craig to immediately tap into the emotional mindset of my client’s audience, and allow us to craft a laser-sharp marketing message and system to accommodate their wants and needs.

I liked the fact that Craig emphasized to my client that his number one priority is to be a marketer, and not a stock trader or analyst.  I had attempted to explain this to my client before myself, but was never really sure if he fully understood my reasoning.  After hearing Craig today, I firmly believe that he now understands the vital importance of this thought process, and will hopefully take Craig’s advice to heart and put it into practice. Marty Crawn

Randolph, New Jersey

You see, there’s a method to my madness.  The thing is, if you’re a "hard opener" like I am… meaning, you make your prospects jump through a few hoops up-front… then you don’t EVER need to worry about being a "hard closer."  And after all, who want’s to have to "close" prospects anyway?

You want to "attract" qualified clients, not "chase down," or "convince" them to work with you. That’s awkward… frustrating… and uncomfortable, to say the least

And, there is a specific formula the most successful entrepreneurs use, to do this:

Frankly, this is the exact same formula I’ve been using very successfully since 2000, and during the time you and I spend together, I’ll show you how to adapt
this proven and highly-effective "no-brainer"formula, to your business — step-by-step!

Because the truth is, qualifying your prospects up front, is also the best way to make sure they are, in fact, real prospects, and not just tire-kickers and looky-loos, who wind up wasting your precious time and resources.

Am I making sense here?

Good, because this is a critical concept behind your short and long-term success.

For now, listen to what this client of mine had to say.  Fred’s website receives over 2 Million visitors a year, and he recently hired me for 2 full days of consulting.

My investment with Craig was repaid within 2 months and I continue to benefit every single day from implementing his suggestions.

I got much more than I expected.

Craig definitely thinks outside the box and came up with ideas I never would have thought of on my own.  He also understands my prospects very well.  One simple suggestion he made instantly increased my response by 5%.

I would definitely recommend Craig.  He’s expensive, but then again, good people don’t come cheap.  Fred Crowe – Dublin, Ireland

Speech-Writers Inc.

Sounds good, right? 

You bet. How about this one:

“We asked Craig Garber to review some  pages on our web site.  We felt we had some good “stuff” but we are always interested in making good things better.  Based on Craig’s tips and ideas, we were able to start making some smart changes to several pages on our web site 20 minutes after we finished talking with him.

The best lesson we learned – you can be an expert in your business, but that doesn’t necessarily make you an expert copy writer!  It is a special skill – but with Craig’s insights, easy to apply once your light bulb gets lit!      Don Schwerzler – Atlanta, GA

So, what are you and I going to accomplish together?

Well, the easy answer is, "whatever you need to."  But the REAL answer is, "You’re going to discover all the things you don’t know you need, and how to benefit from them."

Here, let me give you an analogy.  Ask yourself this:  Why do you go visit your doctor?

Sometimes you probably visit your doctor for a "well checkup" — like your annual physical, for instance.  But other times you’re probably going because you’re sick and you want to start feeling better, right?

But in both of these cases, the REAL reason you’re going to the doctor… as painful as this may be… is… to discover what’s going on inside you…

That You Don’t Know About!


Sure! And that’s what you’re going to discover during your consulting time.

I’ll show you first-hand, all the incredible opportunities to market your business, you just can’t seem to get a handle on.  And don’t worry — it’s not your fault that you can’t — after all, your not a marketer, you’re a business-owner.  In fact, you’ll uncover so many ways to squeeze more money out of your business, I promise you…

Your head will be spinning by the time we’re finished!

I’ll run a full "marketing physical" on your business, and we’ll uncover what’s RIGHT with your marketing… and what’s very very WRONG with it, too.  Among the MANY things you’ll uncover are:

  • How you’re currently getting new customers now and what you need to do to change this, so you’re consistently attracting fresh new pre-qualified leads who are eager and excited about working with you!  And "YES", this is possible and I’ll show you exactly how — in fact, I’ll probably show you MANY different ways of doing this!

  • Where the best places to find your prospects are!  In many cases, I can even show you how to reach them at a substantial discount off what you’d normally pay, using little-known trade resources.

  • How to re-engineer your business so you’re getting more back-end and repeat business than you’ve ever thought possible!  You’re leaving a TON of money on the table by not maximizing and creating repeat sales from your existing customers, and this is a CRITICAL mistake!

  • Specific reasons why your current marketing just isn’t cutting it for you along with easy-to-understand and very practical ways of changing this, immediately!

  • And much much more. And best of all…

Your One-On-One Consulting Also Comes
With A Money-Back GUARANTEE!

If you’re not satisfied with the information I give you… or

with the marketing ideas I throw your way, then let me know, and

I’ll give you a prompt and courteous 100% full refund — no questions

asked. That’s enough to make you feel pretty safe about working with me, isn’t it? 
Your Investment is 100% Guaranteed

It’s Easy To Order,
Here’s How:

Click on the link below, to order your one-on-one Copywriting and Marketing Strategy Consulting Session right now, while this is fresh on your mind and before anything else comes up!

This $1,000 investment is a mere pittance compared to the life-long benefits of all the inside secrets and tricks you’ll be getting your hands on. 

In fact, if you think $1,000 bucks is a lot of money, your perspective is off. That’s like thinking, $40,000 is a lot to invest for heart surgery or that $12,500 is a lot to invest to have a tumor extracted from inside of you.

The truth is, if you can’t go out and almost immediately make $1,000 dollars, using the information I give you, within the next few days… then something’s very wrong.  In fact, with 100% certainty, I can easily look you in the eye and say you’re also going to wind up LOSING a LOT more than $1,000 bucks, from all the mistakes you’re going to continue making, that we’ll completely eliminate, on this call.  (We can speak on the phone, or on Skype — and you can record our call if you want, as well.)

And because of that, this is TRULY is a no-risk, no-brainer situation.

Use your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express card and click right here on this link to be taken to a 100% safe-and-secure order form:

Order using your Visa card right now!    Order using your MasterCard right now!    Order using your American Express card right now!    

After you place your order, you’ll immediately be given detailed instructions on how to proceed, and what’s next. My assistant Anne will contact you and give you a few different time-slot options within two business days from the time you place your order for your consulting session.

Thank you for reading this message and speak to you soon. If you have any questions, please contact Anne in my office at 813-909-2214.


Craig Garber

The "King Of Copy"

P.S.  Listen, you are taking on absolutely ZERO-RISK here, PLUS your investment is probably going to be tax deductible.  So if things still aren’t going your way… in 3 months… 6 months… or even one-year from this very moment… the ONLY excuse you’re going to have, is your OWN ignorance, and unwillingness… to do something about it.

So do yourself a HUGE favor, and get the ball rolling on this… right NOW! 

P.P.S.S.  Make sure you don’t forget to ask me, what I’ve discovered is the one single most effective marketing secret to making money — regardless of what business you’re in!