“Lift” Letters

A lift letter is an additional letter you enclose in your direct-mail piece that’s desgined to “lift” the response of your mailing.

For the most part, lift letters should come from someone other than the person who sent your original mailing.

You could send the letter from a customer… a third party… or whatever makes sense — the more creative, the better.

And since your lift letter is coming from someone other than the sender of the main sales letter, you want to make sure your lift letters have a different presentation as well.

You want the “feel” and the “look” of the lift letter, to be different than the original sales letter.

For example, I recently did a mailing with a lift letter and the lift letter was done in a different font and sent on different colored paper than the original sales letter.

Also, on the back of the lift letter you want to have something written like “Open this only after you have read my message”… or, “If you’re still not convinced, read this next.”

Here’s an example of a lift letter that I used for a client of mine:

If you want to download and print out this lift letter, you’ll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you don’t have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you can get it for FREE by clicking here.

Next, click here or on either of the pages of the actual lift letter below, and a new browser window will open up with the full letter in a PDF file format.

